how to make legit money online as a student

How to make legit money online as a student in 2022?

How to make legit money online as a student in 2022? Are you looking for legitimate ways of making money online as a student? If yes, then you have come to the right place to find the answers.

Making money online especially for a student is a big deal when you need to make some quick bucks online. Several people seek to start their own side hustle one day to make money online and start generating passive earnings online. 

We have arrived in 2022 and the internet is still filled with scams, this requires consistent approach and discipline to start making good revenue.

Today we will look at some of the legit ways to make money online for a student.

7 legit ways to make money online for a student

If you talk about making money online, this usually comes with a lot of opportunities which involve your skills and expertise. 

Here’s a complete list of 7 such legit ways that can make money online for a student in 2022:

1. Become a proofreader to make money online

Proofreading is all about correcting mistakes when you read something. If you are good at any language and know about grammar, capitalization and stuff you can work to proofread and make money doing so.

This is one of the legit ways to work as a proofreader for a student and earn money in the process. Now you may ask how the scope of the work is. 

Well,everyday you find tons of information online in various forms such as:

  • Blogs
  • Articles or journal publications
  • Social media posts published
  • Research publications etc

All these require someone who can proofread the document to make it error free and worth reading. Thus, arises the need for a proofreader.

You can expect to earn somewhere between $20-$30 as a proofreader with some experience and expertise.

2. Be a freelance writer

Freelance writing can be thought upon as a great side gig especially if you hold an interest in writing.

If you hold an interest in writing you can write on any topic of your choice and can start making money out of it. Freelance writers charge good money as a beginner and make decent money out of it.

So you can consider offering freelance services to people who need good writers for their content. 

If we talk about money, they are generally paid somewhere around $30-$40 for a 1000 words article.

Related: How to write and make money online as a freelance writer in 2022?

3. Start your own blog

Blogging is my favorite among the list, the reason being it is one of the most passive sources of earning money online.

There are several bloggers who are making thousands of dollars every month by sharing their content online onto a blog platform. One such example is finsavvypanda which is making a killing online..🤑

We live in a time where people want to read and educate themselves more than ever. Anyone who has information has money.

So, what are you waiting for, start your own blog now..💪

4. Be a Graphic Designer to make money online

Graphic designing is something which is really creative and has amazing opportunities available to it.

A graphic designer helps to design graphics for a page and make the content be more appealing with the image presented in it.

Here’s a quick image for comparison, the one on the left is more appealing and understandable than the one onto the right. Isn’t it?

Yes, this is the work of a graphic designer. One of the best legit ways available to make money online and something which needs creativity to make money online from it. 

5. Work as a Pinterest virtual assistant to make money online as a student

Pinterest is a growing platform and one that doesn’t need introduction. With the growth of the platform the content creators are looking for someone who can help them manage their pins.

This is where Pinterest Virtual Assistants come into play. Basically you help to manage the pinterest profile of another account and make money doing so.

The work typically involves creating pins, scheduling pins for upload, finding descriptions and putting appropriate alternate texts onto the pins.

Pinterest VA’s can make around $60-$70 depending upon experience and type of work.

This is another legit way to make money online as a student.

Related: How to make money as a Pinterest Virtual Assistant?

6. Work as a transcriptionist and make money online

Transcription involves converting audio files into text and making it readable. This is much required for several industries such as 

  • Podcasters who make podcasts, 
  • Youtuber making videos online, 
  • Legal stuff which needs transcription
  • Medical professionals who need the help of transcription etc.

This is a huge market for any beginner and work keeps on coming consistently. As a beginner, all you need are 2 skills to start with i.e. listening and typing speed.

One has to listen intently and keep on writing alongside that to be able to complete the work on time. Generally transcriptionists get paid upto $10 per audio hour that you work for.

This means for each hour of audio file transcribed you will make around $10…😃 

Related: How to make money online as a transcriptionist?

7. Start a Print on Demand store online

Print on demand is a huge multi million dollar business that is generating a huge amount of revenue online. 

This is basically setting up an online virtual store for selling merch such as tees, mugs, bags, name it.

Once you attain a good number of customer visitors to your store you will start making revenue online with the sales you make.

There are several POD (Print on Demand) stores that are selling tremendously well and making millions online. One such epic example is which made around $700k revenue in the first year of business.

This goes to show the potential and the true power of trying legit ways of making money online.


Hope you like what we discussed today on how to make legit money online as a student in 2022. Here’s a brief summary of “How to make money online as a student in 2022”:

  • Become a proofreader to make money online.
  • Do freelance writing.
  • Start your own blog.
  • Make money online from graphic designing.
  • Be a Pinterest virtual assistant.
  • Work as a transcriptionist.
  • Start a Print On Demand store.

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