How to make money online as a Pinterest Virtual Assistant, make money online

How to make money online as Pinterest Virtual Assistant on Pinterest (Earn upto $75/hour)

How to make money as a Pinterest Virtual Assistant?

Have you ever come across a beautifully designed pin on Pinterest and it tempted you to click on it even though you were not looking for the same?

Chances are there that you might have landed upon here due to one such pin, although I ain’t sure of how beautiful it was!!!😉

How about I tell you people get paid to design such beautiful pins on Pinterest for others?😮😮

Yasss!!! You heard it right…. 

You can make money online creating pins for others on Pinterest. These people are known as Pinterest Virtual Assistants aka Pinterest VA.

Today we will be talking about this awesome side hustle business which can be a full time source of passive earning online such as YouTube.

Who is a Pinterest Virtual Assistant?

Pinterest Virtual Assistant or simply Pinterest VA is someone who takes care of business presence online on the Pinterest platform.

Pinterest VA’s are responsible for designing pins and making strategies for the growth of the business.

Work of a Pinterest Virtual Assistant

This usually involves working upon several things such as:

  1. Setting up a new Pinterest account for the ones who don’t have, managing their account, making strategies for its growth etc.🎯
  1. Creating pins for the Pinterest account, which includes writing description, alternate text , finding the trending hashtags and even scheduling the pins to publish at a later date.
  1. Creating boards, optimizing the boards for the audience, sending requests to other group boards and also doing proper keyword research to find trending topics to write for ✍️

So, Pinterest Virtual Assistants work as an assistant for Pinterest account holders virtually right from the comfort of the home 😃

Isn’t it amazing where technology has led us to!!! 

This is why I always love to discover ways on how to make passive earning online. You can literally build a million dollar business sitting at home.🤑

All you need is a smartphone 📱 and a reliable internet connection to get started.🔥🔥

Okay I know I am really getting overboard on this but I feel so excited to even think about it…🤩

Onto what we are here for, let’s see How can you become a Pinterest VA?

How do I become a Pinterest Virtual Assistant?

The answer to this must be pretty straight forward…right?🤔

You must be good at designing pins to be a Pinterest Virtual Assistant.

Well, it’s not entirely what you may think of…🤨

Of course you must familiarize yourself with the Pinterest platform altogether and know the basics of how it works. 

This would mean creating a pin, board and even choosing a suitable image for the pin etc. 

These are the bare essentials necessary before you even search out for work as a Pinterest VA.

BUT, here are some additional things to consider before you truly step in for work as a Pinterest Virtual Assistant:

How to become a Pinterest Virtual Assistant, make money online as a Pinterest Virtual Assistant
How to become a Pinterest Virtual Assistant


It is very evident that to communicate with the client and get work you should have Good communication skills.

When this is coupled up with an ability of organizing stuff in the right way you develop your skill sets to be marketed for your clients.

But, don’t let this scare you. Afterall everyone always starts at one point or the other…right?


Be more creative and tinker with your ideas of “how you can design stuff with the help of images in the form of pins?” that can drive traffic through Pinterest.

Look for already existing pins in Pinterest and see what more can you add to it to make it even better.

You will find yourself in a much better position when you do this actively on purpose.


You can even take courses online to teach you on how to become a Pinterest Virtual Assistant.

When you learn from an expert in the field your learning amplifies and you get to know what can go wrong and right in the process.


To design pins effectively for your work as a Pinterest VA you can take help of free graphic design platforms such as CANVA

This is a great platform which allows you to practice upon your skills for free with free templates on offer to make that amazing pin you are looking for.

If you don’t enjoy creating something you would soon feel burned out for what you do.


SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization.

This simply means helping Pinterest understand what exactly you are pinning the pins for.

Consider this,

Pinterest Pin, how to create a pinterest Pin, Pinterest Pin SEO
Learn about SEO in Pinterest

If you want to write about How to earn as a Proofreader“, then you can design your pin accordingly having the same keywords in the description and also in alt text as shown above to help Pinterest understand what you are pinning for.

This will help your pin reach the right audience you are looking out for.

You might be wondering, okay this seems interesting, but there are already so many Pinterest VA’s out there.

Am I really gonna make it? 

Let’s find out

Is there a Scope for Pinterest Virtual Assistants in 2022 and beyond?

If we see around us, the number of businesses going online everyday has been rising each day.

If we see the numbers precisely, there has been a steady growth in the businesses going online to nearly 31% by 2021.

In Fact the pandemic saw an increase in the numbers by 7% alone…😲

👉 What do all these numbers talk about?

The future is ONLINE!!! It’s gonna explode soon and you have a chance to take a slice of it.

Pinterest will play a major role in driving the eyeballs onto the businesses.

Don’t believe me, well here’s the numbers saying it all for itself.

Quick Stats about Pinterest

Pinterest had made a record for itself to when it hit 10 million visitors in a month long back in Jan 2012..😯

It has been one of the fastest growing website…🚀 

That’s almost an entire population of SWEDEN on the Pinterest platform at once.

Talking more of numbers, Pinterest had a staggering 444 million monthly active users for the third quarter ended 2021.

This just says the importance of how big Pinterest will be and the difference it can create  in the time to come.

In such a scenario any business owner (big or small) or even bloggers will always look forward to Pinterest virtual assistants who can help them scale their business.

So the market is always wide open for you guys to participate and make the most of it.

What are you guys waiting for???🏃‍♂️ 

The future is really bright and TODAY is the time to get your hands into it. 

Are you still not feeling confused? 

In the next section we will talk about earnings 🤑 of Pinterest VA’s and I am quite sure you will love what we are about to find out next…

How much do Pinterest Virtual Assistants earn?

This is most exciting part we have all been waiting for…isn’t it?🤩🤩

👉 On an average, if you are starting out as a Pinterest Virtual Assistant, you can expect to earn an average hourly rate of $15/hour.
Your average hourly rates can go upto $25-$50 per hour with more experience and knowledge of work.

Even there are some VA’s who do charge upto $75/hour😯.

This all depends upon the quality of work you deliver and added with your experience.

This means once you have gained enough experience in this field you can charge for a higher sum from your clients.

Pinterest VA’s take upon the responsibility as a Pinterest Manager later on who can handle additional responsibility as compared to Pinterest VA.

Let’s make a quick rough estimate of how much you can earn in a month as a Pinterest Virtual Assistant…

Handling even fewer clients (let’s say around 3) where you work for around 8 hours in a month can quickly give you around $360 as a beginner Pinterest VA.

This will slowly be the next big thing for you even before you know about it if you continue to work upon your skills with time.

Well the actual earnings for any Pinterest VA’s may vary to let’s say $250-$480 in a month considering $10-$20 per hour of work.

If you are still unsure of why you should choose to be a Pinterest VA, here’s something that can help you out…

Why to become a Pinterest Virtual Assistant?

why to become a pinterest virtual assistant, make money as a pinterest virtual assistant
Why to become a Pinterest Virtual Assistant

Pinterest Virtual Assistants enjoy a whole lot of advantages such as:

  1. Pinterest VA’s have the flexibility of working at their own time and convenience just like passive earnings in dropshipping.
  2. This also means you enjoy freedom of working at any location which doesn’t bind you to any particular location.
  3. Quit your 9 to 5 and be the stay at home parent while you still generate passive earnings online as a side hustle.
  4. There is a minimum age limit of 13 years specified as to who can be a Pinterest VA. Anyone can be successful if they learn to do it the right way provided they meet the age criteria requirements.
  5. This is suitable for any type of people such as students, working professionals, moms and dads staying at home, retired people etc. 
  6. In order to start your journey as a Pinterest Virtual Assistant you don’t need a huge initial investment. It’s completely free to try and is available for all.

What else do we need??😇😇

This is truly the beauty of being a digital nomad, FREEDOM with EARNINGS.💪💪

Now that you have decided that “YES, I want to be a Pinterest VA”, but I am not sure about how to find my first job as a Pinterest VA.

Don’t worry, that’s what we are going to talk about next.

How to find jobs as a Pinterest Virtual Assistant?

How to find jobs for Pinterest Virtual Assistant, make money online as Pinterest Virtual Assistant
How to find jobs for Pinterest Virtual Assistant

Like we had discussed earlier the market is still opening up for Pinterest VA’s, so finding jobs won’t be that hard.

There are several ways to get that first job as a Pinterest VA.

Let’s discuss about 6 best ways on how to find jobs as a Pinterest Virtual assistant in 2022:


The very first place which you should be looking out for to find jobs as a Pinterest VA.

Engage with people at Pinterest platform by checking out their content and understanding what you have to offer.

Shoot them an email 📧 and ask them are they looking out for any service of VA for their growth.

You can always find details about how to reach them on their website linked to their pin.


  1. Look for accounts with a small number of followers whom you can reach to. There’s always a high chance they would be interested in a Virtual Assistant.
  2. Determine your niche i.e. market which interests you more and give it your first priority for the job hunt. If you are someone who has interest in home decor then look for someone in that niche rather than finding someone in dealing with car accessories.
  3. Make sure you create a good Pinterest profile of yours along with a good portfolio in the form where you can showcase your work (if any). Add in key valuable information in your bio of what you can offer.
  4. If any opportunity comes up for FREE, take it. An experience gained is always worth the effort when it gets compounded later on.


Social media sites such as Facebook, Instagram offer you ample opportunities for work as a Pinterest VA.

You can participate in community group forums on Facebook discussing job opportunities as a VA.

Reach out to Insta profiles who are newly running their business and don’t have a social media presence on Pinterest platform yet.

The more you engage with people, the higher are the chances of your success.

Platforms like Quora and LinkedIn are also one of the best places to build a solid network and key connection for work as a Virtual Assistant.

Capitalise on these platforms as much as possible.

Another amazing platform is YouTube which has been a full time income for so many wonderful creators out there.

There are many YouTubers out there who are beginners but will be the big players in the time to come.

How about you reach out to them as well and help them spread their wings (💸) on Pinterest.


How can we miss the most obvious of all, i.e. Freelancing websites.

There are several freelancing sites which can offer work for a Pinterest VA, such as:

  1. Upwork
  2. Fiverr
  3. Freelancer etc

You can list out your own services on these platforms and start selling services as a freelancer.

Freelancing websites are also a valuable place to get connections and clients who are looking for Pinterest VA’s.

The more you diversify your reach the better are your chances for getting clients.


How many businesses are opening up regularly around you?

Chances are there you might have seen a new store around your locality recently.

These businesses are hungry for growth and are clueless on where to begin with🤔. You can be their saviour.

They will be more than happy to let you take the charge to establish their social media presence online on Pinterest.

Reach out to them personally or through their website to get them onto the Pinterest platform.


Did you just come across any blog or a website which seems to be doing well but has no social media presence yet on Pinterest?

Congratulations!!! You may be looking for the next big job opportunity as a Pinterest VA.

But you know what to do next..right?😑

Of course you got to reach them in their inbox specifying about why they would need YOU as a Virtual Assistant.


Make sure to include your work profile consisting of any past experience (if any) or else your own created pins which you feel can add to your credibility.

The objective over here is to make them feel that you can genuinely help them in the growth of their business as a Pinterest VA.


If you happen to have people in your circle who are doing any form of business but don’t have a social media presence whatsoever on Pinterest.

You should reach out to them ASAP and make them aware of your services.

They would be more than happy to trust in you rather than a stranger for the job😉.

I hope these 6 things that we talked about helps you to get that first job as a Virtual Assistant.

Remember!!! What matters now is how well you practise on what you are targeting for. 

Job as a Pinterest VA demands a good amount of creativity to design the pins effectively for the clients.

So make sure to practice at least 2-3 pins daily and you will be a pro in no time 😎

This brings us to the end of all that we needed to know about How to become a Pinterest Virtual Assistant.

Please do share your thoughts below in the comment’s section 👇 and don’t forget to share this with others who may find it useful.

Also please do also let us know what we have missed out and we will include it in here as well.

ALL THE BEST 👍. I hope to hear from you about your success story soon.

Thank you for being us 🙏

Here’s a few key takeaways of what we discussed so far.

Key Takeaways

  1. Pinterest Virtual Assistants are the ones who help businesses to grow online on Pinterest by designing pins and getting business from Pinterest.
  2. Learn about how to design pins, exploring creative ideas to design pins effectively on a free platform like CANVA, knowledge about SEO will help you to grow as a Pinterest Virtual Assistant.
  3. Pinterest Virtual Assistants earn around $15 per hour money online somewhere around as a beginner working online. 
  4. Being a Pinterest VA provides flexibility of time, convenience, work from home opportunity and freedom to work anywhere in the world as well.
  5. Take help of social media, inner circle of friends and new businesses setting up around you to get started as a Pinterest Virtual Assistant.

Here’s a look at the most frequently asked questions on about How to make money as a Pinterest Virtual Assistant:

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is Pinterest Virtual Assistant legit?

Ans: Yes, Pinterest VA is completely a legit thing to do and many are doing it making money online.

Q: Pinterest Virtual Assistant salary?

Ans: The salary of a Pinterest Virtual Assistant would vary depending on the experience and skillset of the person.

On an average, Pinterest VA’s make around $15/hour as a beginner to around $75/hour as an experienced Pinterest VA.

Q: How old do you have to be to be a Pinterest Virtual Assistant?

Ans: You must be at least 13 years to be eligible to use Pinterest and be a Pinterest Virtual Assistant.

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