How can 13 year olds make money

How can 13 year old make money in 2022 (6 legit ways)

How can a 13 year old make money in 2022?

Making money in life is one of the best feelings in the world as you learn how to do it for the first time.

You feel joy and feel worthy of something in life and you find an altogether new direction.

For a 13 year old who is looking for ways to make money is something which didn’t have much to offer earlier.

But we have entered into a new age of life where we are soon to enter into the world of Metaverse.

Today we are going to talk about how a 13 year old earns money online right from the home.

6 legit ways on how a 13 year old can make money in 2022

There are plenty of opportunities to make money on today’s time. All the methods of making money discussed below deal with earning money online.

I believe online is the future and that is where we should focus if you are from the 21st century.

1. Create and sell NFTs (Non Fungible Tokens)

NFTs…But what exactly are these things?

NFTs stands for Non Fungible Tokens. NFTs are nothing but holding ownership in the form of tokens for digital assets.

Did you know that people are selling these digital assets in the form of tokens to others for a huge amount of money? 

These digital assets are in the form of artworks, GIFs, music assets and much more.

But how big is the money involved from each sale?

As an example, A cryptoPunk artwork consisting of 24 by 24 pixel artwork was sold for a whopping $11,754,000.

The industry is growing fast and is currently valued at $41 million as of writing this.

So how can a 13 year old benefit from this?

It’s simple, if the child is good at creating designs and stuff, then one can try selling NFTs for money.

This is no shortcut for quick money and must never be looked at that way. But if one is good at making designs and is creative, then NFTs can sell like crazy.

Caution: Parents supervision is definitely required in this entire process.

2. Play games on phones and make money as a 13 year old

This is probably the favorite pastime for any 13 year old.

Playing games does require skills and should not be taken lightly.

As a teenager one can make some serious money by playing games online.

As a beginner one can playtest games online and earn money from it.

There are several apps like CashCrate, InboxDollars and companies who wish someone to playtest their games for the valuable reviews.

You can do it too and make money from it. This can be done from mobile phones as well.

3. Start a blog today as a 13 year old and make money from it long term

If you would ask me to pick a favorite among all the ways discussed here, I will pick this one.

Blogging is such a fulfilling business and equally rewarding as well.

Many people have set up their own blogs talking about a specific thing.

This is a low cost investment model as well and one can start anywhere from any corner of the world.

What does this typically involve?

Publish content for others to read where you can write content around their interest as a 13 year old.

If people like your content and like to stick along you can monetize that audience from several ways.

Popular monetization ways for blogging include ads, affiliate income, product sales or even consulting.

So anyone who is a 13 year old and has an interest in writing stuff, then blogging is the way to go.

This is no quick rich scheme and doesn’t work that way at all. But this can be a great side hustle to start with as well.

Patience and consistency will pay money in the long term. 

4. Create a YouTube channel and make money online

How can I ignore YouTube when it comes to making money online?

This is not something which is new as making videos and publishing for money has been going on for a long time.

If you don’t want to write stuff and instead hold an interest in videos, then YouTube can be the platform for you.

This is a popular business model where uploading videos for money can work long term.

You can hold onto a niche as a 13 year old and make videos upon it and get active on YouTube.

Again this presents amazing income opportunities which includes ads, affiliate sales, merchandise income and much more.

Think of it as a long term income plan and you will be making money in no time.

5. Become a freelance content writer to make money as a 13 year old

Freelance content writing can be similar to blogging except it doesn’t need much time to make money.

By doing freelance content writing you basically write upon designated topics as per choice.

If you hold experience and knowledge in any specific stuff you can help to write articles for other clients.

As a 13 year old it might seem difficult on how to find clients to write any content about.

But think about this, how many 20s or 30s year old’s can bear teenagers when it comes to technology?

This doesn’t come as a surprise as teenagers are more aware of ongoing trends and topics.

One can take advantage of such a big opportunity to make money as a 13 year old.

6. Teaching others online to make money as a 13 year old

Teaching something online is a big industry in itself.

Everyone is keen to learn something or the other no matter what age you are.

Even if you are a young teen, you can still teach someone for any subject that you have better knowledge about.

Consider this, if you are good at making videos and video editing in general and know about the tools and stuff.

Why not make a course around it teaching others about it?

Similarly teenager’s these days have profound knowledge upon computers and its many applications.

Each application in itself has a market and someone is always looking to learn from it.

So start to create a digital course around it and sell it online for some good passive income.

We have discussed how a 13 year old can make money online right from the comfort of the couch.

Here’s to what we have discussed so far today.

Key Takeaways

6 ways on how can13 year old’s make money online in 2022 includes the following:

  • Create and sell NFTs to make money online
  • Play games in smartphone and make money as a 13 year old
  • Start a blog today and make money online.
  • YouTube channel
  • Freelance content writing can help to make money online.
  • Teaching others online to make money as a 13 year old kid.

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