How to make money online as a stay at home dad

How to make money as a stay at home dad in 2022: 6 interesting ways

How do I make money as a stay at home dad?

Staying at home and being with family demands a lot of sacrifice and puts on responsibilities to make things work as parents. It increasingly gets difficult to make money and make both ends meet when you solely rely on one source of income.

This is more true if you are a stay at home mom looking for ways to make money online or stay at home dads, the scenario is the same for both. There has been a significant rise among stay at home dads who wish to stay with their family and make money from home.

While this was ideally not much of an advantage a decade ago but now things have changed a lot recently. In Fact Stats say that the percentage of dads staying at home has increased to 17% as of 2016.

Staying at home and making money as a dad provides a lot of flexibility, such as:

  • Location freedom
  • Time freedom
  • Spending quality time with family
  • An opportunity to start a side hustle to create passive earnings online, and much more.

Today we have covered 6 interesting ways to make money online if you are a stay at home dad and looking for ways on how to make money as a stay at home dad.

6 ways to make money online as a stay at home dad in 2022

The ideas shared are legit ways of making money online and some even hold the potential to make a full time income if done correctly.

These are no one time efforts but with consistency and patience you can make good money online as a dad from your home. One must remember that giving back to the internet community with what you have will make money online if you want to make money from home.

Let’s get started:

1. Start a profitable blog online


👉Do you have knowledge about anything or in pursuit of gaining knowledge about something, then why not share it with others?

This is where BLOGGING comes into picture.

What is the income potential of blogging?

Blogging can make you infinite money online, but typically the majority of bloggers make about $1000-$5000 per month online blogging about stuff.

I hold blogging as the topmost priority because this can be a game changing decision for you when you think of making money online.

Countless people are proof of the fact that blogging is a real business and people are making crazy money online doing different things.

If you are good at any skill, blogging can show you what you truly are capable of. 

Sharing the knowledge by writing content, making videos and even adding audios can help readers to understand what you are trying to deliver.

Not only does blogging make money for you but also gives a sense of purpose to your life when you blog about your thoughts.

Blogging can be done on any field of interest (niche) such as:

  • Parenting
  • Coding
  • Technology
  • Gardening
  • Fishing etc etc etc

You simply have to figure out what suits your interest the most and you can share the knowledge about.

2. Make videos on YouTube


Not interested in writing content? 

How about making videos and making money out of it. This may not sound simple, but think about this.

With time we are more into consuming videos along with reading content as well. This percentage will be on the rise and more and more people would like to learn content online from YouTube. 

What is the income potential of YouTube?

Beginners can make money from ads and affiliates to start with. This can roughly be $500-$1000 monthly online.

The ones who had started a few years back have been getting success online with YouTube with consistency and dedicated work to make things happen.

So the market is never saturated really but it’s a matter of making a start.

YouTube presents an amazing opportunity to leverage upon your existing knowledge and make money in the process.

Related: 9 effective ways to make money from YouTube in 2022

3. Become a Graphic Designer

Graphics Designers are in high demand and will remain so in the time to come. This is simply because of the fact, an image speaks louder than words.

Whenever you come across any article or video the first thing that draws your attention is the image on it. 

So the image must be captivating enough to draw the audience onto your platform, this where beautiful graphical images win the race!!

Graphic designers help to create amazing graphics for content creators such as Bloggers, YouTubers and other people making content on several platforms.

What is the income potential of Graphic Designers?

Graphic designers offer services starting from $5 for individual assignments that they take upon.

Some graphic designers also earn an average of $50,000 with experience and skills…😳😳

This goes on to show how much the industry needs graphic designers for the services they can offer.

4. Sell stuff online to make money as a stay at home dad

Selling stuff online is nothing new for the millennials. Many people sell stuff online to make a quick buck.

Websites such as eBay, Etsy, Amazon are some of the popular ones where you can sell stuff online.

But what can you sell online?

Several stuff that can be sold would include clothes, books, old furniture, crafts, handmade goods and much more.

What is the income potential of selling stuff?

Selling stuff online can be a full time income and can make around $5000-$10000 per month if done the right way.

5. Dropship products to make money online

Have you ever thought of owning your own store, selling products and making money out of it?

Dropshipping is exactly the same business model where you build your own store online and list products for sale. 

The best part is you don’t worry about any inventory storage or shipping issues at all. You would pay the shipping charges to the suppliers, but receiving the orders and dispatch to the customer address is the concern of the supplier.

How amazing it is, isn’t it?

What is the income potential of Drop shipping?

Infinite, the more you sell the more you earn. Initially you can expect to make money somewhere around $1000-$5000 per month with time and effort into the business.

Related: How to make money online from dropshipping for beginners in 2022?

6. Be a bookkeeper to make money online as a stay at home dad

Bookkeeping is one of the age-old businesses where you manage day to day business affairs in terms of money inflow and outflow.

If you are good with numbers, then this is something you can truly consider giving it a try.

As a bookkeeper you take upon the responsibility of managing business affairs and this includes the following:

  • Preparing the invoices for the businesses
  • Handling bank reconciliations
  • Preparing trial balances and making necessary entries in the books of account

What is the income potential of being a bookkeeper?

You can expect to earn around $20 for every hour as a bookkeeper in 2022.

Bookkeeping can become your goto business model when you know stuff about accounts and numbers. 

You need not necessarily get a degree in accounting, but some hands on experience will make things easy for you.

Consider giving it a try and look for what you need to do to start the business of bookkeeping to make money online.

Sounds interesting???

Click here to know about How to make money as a bookkeeper in 2022?

Key Takeaways

We have covered 6 unique ways on How to make money as a stay at home dad. Here’s what you need to know about making money online as a stay at home dad:

  • Start a profitable blog.
  • Make videos on YouTube.
  • Become a Graphics Designer.
  • Sell stuff online to make money online.
  • Dropship products to make money online.
  • Be a bookkeeper and make money online.


How to make money as a stay at home mum?

Stay at home mums can make good amount of money through several ways such as Blogging, be a transcriptionist, be a virtual assistant, proofread documents and much more. Click here to know more about make money online as a stay at home mum.

How can a single dad make extra money?

There are 6 unique ways to make extra money online as a single dad online such as blogging, graphic designing, starting YouTube,dropshipping and much more. We have covered unique ways in the article. Consider giving it a read.

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