How to make money online as a stay at home mom

7 legit ways to make money online as a stay at home mom in 2022

How to make money online as a stay at home mom?

Being a mom has never been easy. This comes with a lot of responsibilities and needs you to stay on guard all the time.

As much as demanding this gets, but being able to make some extra cash is always handy and goes into building confidence as well.

It’s completely normal to feel scared of failing or feeling apprehensive of your chances for success in making money online

Did you know that almost 16% of Americans have had the chance to earn from online work and these numbers are going to rise in the time to come. 

Today we are going to look into 7 legit ways on How to make money online as a stay at home mom.

7 legit ways to make money online as a stay at home mom in 2022

No matter what skill you may have or whatever your current situation is, if you are willing to put in some extra hours aside everyday you would be surprised by what’s in offer for you.

Some legit ways are so powerful that it can create a full time passive earning online for you if you stick to the side hustle.

1. Start a blog today


Income Potential – $1000-$5000 per month as a beginner

This is my absolute favorite when it comes to making money online. Why is that so?

Well it’s basic human nature to find solutions to their problems. Where would they go to find the answers?

It’s the internet and this is where the power of blogs lies. 

You can blog about what you know about and make money from it,sounds simple?

There are several categories to choose from, like:

  • DIY / Crafts
  • Relationship Niche
  • Sharing food recipes online
  • Gardening etc.

The list is endless and there are more than even I can think of. If you are a stay at home mom then you know that many stay at home moms are looking for ways to take care of their child.

If you know about it, why not share it with them to help them out. You can create a powerful community around this and make money from ads, affiliate products that recommend after use and much more.

Interesting Fact: Top 3 bloggers make around $420 million just from blogging!!!

2. Work as a freelance writer

Income potential – $400 per month to start with

If you love to write about stuff in general, freelance writing can be the way to go.

This may sound similar to blogging, but here you get paid to write for others. You get to choose upon the projects you want to write about and get paid as per your skills and expertise in the topic.

Freelance writing is a big industry and one that is expected to grow further for the time to come. 

This is simply because everything around you is going digital and people want to read stuff on the phone more than they see in the newspaper.

And this is where the opportunity exists for freelance writers. As a freelance writer you work upon assignments and get paid in batches or per article delivered.

Pay rates are usually on a per word basis. What you want to write about is completely up to you.

So if you have the writer instinct in you, it’s time to get started.

Related: Write and make money online as a Freelance Writer in 2022 (Earn upto $400 per month online as a beginner)

3. Make money from transcription

Income Potential – Around $10 for every hour of audio files transcribed

Transcription is a side hustle for those who have a combination of good listening skills alongside writing out fast.

What exactly do I mean from this?

Transcribing is simply converting the process of converting audio to text and making it available for others to read into.

The conversion of audio to text can happen from audio files or video files whichever is applicable. This is a wonderful side hustle where you can earn as per the number of hours you put in transcribing the audio files.

The pay rates usually start from $10 per audio hour, which means if you transcribe for lets say 3 hours of audio in a day into text you can usually expect around $30 of payment from this.

What you would need is the ability to hear and write upon what you hear quickly.

Related: How to make money online from transcription (Earn upto $10 per audio hour)?

4. Proofread documents to make money online as a stay at home mom

Income Potential – $26 per hour

Proofreading is a process of making sure that the documents you read and go through don’t have any sort of errors in it.

This is a really good way to make money online especially with the fact that there is never going to be a shortage of digitally written copies which needs some corrections.

Staying at home you can read into these kinds of digital forms of copies and make it error free.

Corrections would typically include:

  • Grammar corrections
  • Typo errors
  • Formatting and structure of the content etc.

Thus if you cringe on seeing errors while reading a document, now is the time to act upon and work as a Proofreader to make money online.

Related: Legit ways to make money online from Proofreading in 2022?

5. Create a digital course and sell online

Income Potential – INFINITE

A digital course goes a long way to create passive earnings online. Why is it so?

Consider this example, 

  1. Kat Norton better known as miss excel on Instagram has made over $133000 online by selling her excel courses to others…🤯!!! (Not only that she lives a complete digital nomad with no location barriers, time barriers and has much flexibility on offer as well)
  1. Becca has over 150000 students enrolled for Calligraphy lessons at which has numerous courses available at her website starting from ($249). Now you can imagine the potential one holds from making courses online and making money from it.

If you have any specific skill and that can be taught to others, don’t shy away from launching your course and spreading the knowledge to others. People are always looking to learn and enhance their skills, thus there is always a market for all.

The best thing about this is it’s always gonna be on the internet and keep on selling even if you don’t work actively upon it.

So work on creating a course today and put it on platforms such as Udemy, Skillshare,Teachable. You can make money gradually in the process over a course of time.

If you are looking to learn more about this, here’s what you need to check out for more:👇

How do I sell digital products and make money online in 2022?

6. Become a Virtual Assistant to make money online as a stay at home mom

virtual assistant

Income Potential – Upto $4000 per month

Being a virtual assistant means you are there virtually to take care of stuff online for others.

What exactly do I mean?

Businesses these days don’t have time to take care of every nitty gritties of activities on day to day basis such as

  • Scheduling meetings, 
  • Making presentations, 
  • Preparing charts for potential customers etc.

These tasks are trivial in nature, yet are nuts and bolts for a business. 

So you can take up the role as a virtual assistant doing these tasks for the business and make money online working from home.

Related: How to earn money as a virtual online working from home online?

7. Set up a Print on Demand store

A Print on Demand store is nothing but selling merchandise online. What it means is you create various designs and imprint those designs on tees, mugs, caps, pillows and much more.

This is sold to customers online who can buy it directly from your store. You don’t need to manage inventory and stuff and simply need to worry about putting good stuff onto your marketplace.

The best thing is it can all start for FREE!!! So if you want to explore your creativity now is the best time to get started and set up your store today.

Key Takeaways

There are numerous ways to find success online and make money in the process such as taking upon surveys, babysitting, pet walking and more.

While some of the ways discussed today can help you make quick money online and some can make potential wealth in the long term to attain the much needed financial freedom you seek for.

Let us summarize what we have discussed so far on How to make money online as a stay at home mom:

  1. Start a blog.
  2. Become a freelance writer.
  3. Make money from transcription.
  4. Be a virtual assistant.
  5. Create a digital course and sell online.
  6. Proofread documents.
  7. Set up a Print on Demand store etc.


Lazy ways moms can make money?

Proofreading, Transcription, blogging, taking surveys are some of the ways to make money online.

Best jobs for stay at home moms with no experience?

Take surveys, do babysitting, pet sitter, social media manager are some of the ways to make money with no experience.

Can I get paid for being a stay at home mom?

Yes you can get paid for being a stay at home mom. These include blogging, proofreading, virtual assistant, selling digital courses online etc.

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