How to make money from LinkedIn in 2022

How to make money from LinkedIn in 2022 (5+ amazing ways)

How to make money from LinkedIn?

Microsoft had purchased LinkedIn back in 2016 at a valuation of nearly $26 billion. There must have been a reason why LinkedIn got such a huge valuation.

While it was a sinking ship at the time of acquisition, it’s been a different story today.

The platform boasts of nearly 830 million+ users around the globe touching 200 countries worldwide.

Its been nearly 2 decades of existence and still, it is growing strong each day.

But why are we discussing all of these? 

This is just to show you how much potential is available in hand to look for ways how to make money from LinkedIn.

Besides affiliate marketing, selling digital products, and seeking jobs on the platform there are other ways to make money from LinkedIn.

Let’s dive in straight to the topic to know more…

6 ways how to make money from LinkedIn in 2022

1. Make money on LinkedIn from the power of affiliate marketing

LinkedIn is not only meant to build a professional network among people worldwide.

But you can leverage the power of LinkedIn to make sales by recommending third-party products and earning affiliate commission in the process.

This process is not meant for those looking for easy ways to make money online in an hour.

If you are serious about truly making the best use of LinkedIn to make sales as an affiliate, then this option is for you.

A great example of an affiliate marketing success story is Adam Enfroy.

This guy makes over 6 figures per month from his blog and other passive income sources, a good chunk coming from affiliate sales.

How to start affiliate marketing on LinkedIn?

One must be focused on providing value-driven content, nurturing the audience, and building trust amongst the people in the network to make money from affiliate marketing.

One must not sound salesy, but rather put the entire effort into making content that the audience requires.

To get started focus on the thing that you are good at and work on expanding the knowledge and skills around it.

You can join the right LinkedIn groups and post videos form of content to catch the attention of users.

This will help you reach the right audience and make the affiliate sales in time to bring revenue.

2. LinkedIn blogs can help make money from LinkedIn

LinkedIn blogs can be the gateway to another income stream from LinkedIn.

People can connect to your thoughts and message what you want to convey with what you write on LinkedIn.

If you have something powerful and valuable to share people will read on to know more.

The platform can be a really valuable medium to grow your audience and monetize later on.

People make really valuable connections and connect to the right network when they incorporate blogging onto LinkedIn.

This is a completely free-to-use platform and highly effective when done correctly.

This won’t be an overnight way to make money online.

But consistency and patience with quality content published regularly are going to help make money.

Also use of hashtags is essential to ensure that the blog catches up to the readers looking for such content.

3. Use LinkedIn to find jobs and get hired

How can we not include what LinkedIn is truly meant to work for?

If you are someone looking for a 9 to 5 job, then what better to go than LinkedIn?

People surf the LinkedIn daily to find emerging job opportunities each day.

Recruiters, employees, and business leaders are all always active trying to get the best use of LinkedIn has on offer.

If you want to get a job opportunity on LinkedIn, make sure to do certain things correctly:

  • Create a good-looking professional image.
  • Setup your description and bio correctly suited to the job you are applying for.
  • State all your relevant work experience correctly and present to the recruiters why you are looking for the job.

If you have any academic achievements that you wish to highlight you should give them a go.

LinkedIn will be the passport for connecting to people across the globe searching for relevant talent.

If you come out with the right skills and network you can make the best use of the platform as well.

Make your profile SEO friendly to catch the recruiter’s interest for any hiring position.

4. Sell your products to make money from LinkedIn

LinkedIn also offers an amazing marketplace for the companies out there looking to make money.

You can list out your products on the platform being the owner to sell to others.

People who have started any form of business looking to generate sales can take advantage of LinkedIn.

Setting up a page for a company allows you to connect with the right people to strengthen your network.

The market allows for a good opportunity to connect to investors as well.

Besides, you can always sell your products from the platform linking back to your website and offering the services as such.

5. Look for freelancing opportunities on LinkedIn

Freelancing has been growing for a long time and many people prefer to hire freelancers over full-time employees.

Popular platforms like Fiverr and Upwork can be your destination for freelancing work.

LinkedIn can also be a great source to get freelancing opportunities as well.

Joining LinkedIn groups, building a strong professional network, and providing valuable content will be some of the things to do to get freelancing work online.

Remember you need to demonstrate at first why you should be hired?

The best way to show this is by delivering beyond what is asked for.

When you provide the best of what you can offer the person hiring you will be more than willing to take you in.

So it’s gonna take time but hanging on will give you the right opportunity in the end.

6. Offer services and sell your skills online from LinkedIn to make money

LinkedIn is also a good platform for those who wish to offer services in exchange for money.

Building an audience and imparting trust is key to why people would seek your services.

Put videos, give free webinars, provide e-books or other freebies but provide value in it.

Again joining relevant groups and making the best step forward will help you to get the best out of the platform.

If you are wondering as a beginner how do you learn all of these skills?

You can start with YouTube where almost anything and everything is available for free.

As you grow your audience and start driving sales your options for monetization would add up.

We have discussed 6 key ways how to make money from LinkedIn.

Which one did you like the most and would implement?

Do comment below.

Here’s a summary of all that we covered today on How to make money from Linkedin.


6 ways how to make money from LinkedIn in 2022 are:

  • Make money from affiliate marketing.
  • Use LinkedIn blogs to make money from LinkedIn.
  • Get hired from LinkedIn job opportunities.
  • Sell your own products on LinkedIn
  • Offer services and sell your skills to make money from LinkedIn
  • Work as a freelancer using LinkedIn

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