How to make money online as a medical student

How to make money online as a medical student in 2022?

How to make money online as a medical student in 2022? 

Medical students have a lot of things going on in their life to worry about. Studies, financial hardships, day to day expenses, exams and a lot more. During such a time it becomes important to find out ways to make money online, especially some extra cash that can keep you going financially.

While the internet is flooded with options and you can try out several different ways, some ways are more effective than others when it comes to making an online income.

Some are even so passive that they can be an awesome side hustle gig to make millions online.

Of course none of these can come easy and will take time and consistent effort to reach such a stage, but one needs patience and willingness to work to be able to generate that revenue online.

Today, we are going to see 8 best ways to make money online as a medical student in 2022.

8 best ways to make money online as a medical student in 2022

Medical students have a lot of options available at their end to make money online, here are some of the most popular ways to make money online in 2022:

1. Do freelancing to make money online

If you think you have any skill such as making logos, designing graphics, or maybe know a different language, then the market is open for you.

There are plenty of opportunities for freelancers to make money online from freelancing opportunities available online. Freelancing can be done from numerous platforms, such as:

These are some of the reputed platforms which provide legit work online to make money online. You can start with one skill and learn it as much as possible to find more work opportunities online with time.

This has immense scope and can be a full time gig for you one day.

2. Become a video editor

Video editing is one of the most useful skills in today’s time. If you know how to create quality videos for others you are always in demand.

Consider this, when you see a video which is of high quality with proper editing done, you tend to watch it more.

YouTubers and many other content creators are always on the lookout for such video editors who can help them make quality videos online.

Consider giving this a try if you know a thing or two about video editing.

3. Work as a transcriptionist

Transcription involves converting an audio file into text and getting it used for others. Transcriptionists are required in every field such as:

  • Legal departments
  • Medical departments
  • General purpose departments

This allows intended users to gather the information in their preferred language. Transcriptions are carried out for audios or videos alike.

Thus there is always a demand for this work and there is no shortage of work available for people who are transcribing.

4. Become a freelance writer online

Freelance writing is also something that can make money online. You can write on any topic of your choice which is not related to medicine.

Opportunities are also available to publish content for the medical journals and publications who need researched content. This becomes easy for medical students as they study medicines and have more knowledge in this field.

Freelance writing can pay around $400-$500 per month for writing as a freelancer online.

Related: How to make money as a freelance writer in 2022?

5. Start a YouTube channel

A YouTube channel is a wonderful side hustle to make money online especially if you are thinking of starting it now.

Why do I say so?

Video consumption is on the rise and will keep on growing further with passage of time. Almost everyday people consume one form of content or the other online as videos keep growing in importance everyday.

As a medical student you can publish videos related to medical jargon and explain about healthcare, nutrition to people who are unaware of so many things.

Monetization can come in several forms such as advertisements, affiliate products and much more. This is easily one of the best passive sources of earning online.

What’s keeping you on hold. Start a YouTube channel today.

Related: 9 effective ways to make money from YouTube in 2022

6. Participate in taking surveys online


Surveys are easily one of the most common ways to make money online in 2022 for any student.

There are several survey websites which offer cashback awards and rewards to participate. One needs to stay away from scams and fake websites that are not legit to make money online.

Some of the legit ways to make money from surveys includes:

  • ySense
  • Swagbucks
  • Timebucks
  • SurveySavvy

Start participating in the survey websites to make money online in 2022.

7. Be an online tutor

Online teaching is one of the best ways to make passive earnings online as well. This involves teaching a subject to others which you are good at and making money online in the process.

If you are good at explaining stuff to others, then online tutoring could be the right step ahead for you. Several platforms are available to make money online or find teaching jobs such as:

  • Udemy
  • Teachable
  • Teachaway etc

Thus making money online becomes more simple when you work as an online tutor and teach online to others.

8. Set up a Print on Demand (POD) store

Source: Redbubble Store

Print on Demand stores are increasingly getting popular everyday and many stores are setting up online everyday.

People are selling a lot of things online with their own designs imprinted onto it. This includes several things such as:

  • Tees
  • Caps
  • Mugs
  • Pillows etc

Interesting designs always have a market for the potential buyers and people are looking to buy and use these stuff regularly.

If you are someone who loves to design stuff then this can be a great side hustle to make money online. It does take time to set up the store and achieve the level of success that you seek one day.

But once you are set upon on the right path you can expect to make good earnings from it online.

As students there are numerous ways to make money online. Consistency and being disciplined will help to make money one day.


As a medical student it is not difficult to find ways to make money online. The point is to be aware of the opportunities surrounding you and make the best use of it.

Here’s a list of 8 best ways that can help to make money online as a medical student in 2022:

  • Become a freelancer
  • Be a video editor
  • Work as a transcriptionist
  • Freelance writer
  • Start with YouTube
  • Complete Surveys online
  • Become an online tutor
  • Set up a Print on Demand store

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