How to make money selling beats online in 2022

5+ ways how to make money selling beats online in 2022

How to make money selling beats online in 2022?

Isn’t it amazing that we have stepped into the digital era of making money from any skill or interest?

Music is one such skill that has transformed our way of life in several aspects in the past decade or so, especially after the pandemic.

It is no more confined to only studios with high-end equipment for established artists.

Indie music developers working solo or in a team can take a shot at this high-paying form of skill online.

Globally speaking about stats, the music industry’s revenue reached a staggering $26 billion valuation by the year 2021.

This shows the potential of being a digital creator and spreading your music to others.

But the problem lies with not being aware of ways to make money selling your beats online.

Not to worry, today we will look at 6 such prominent ways how you can make money selling your beats online in 2022.

Let’s dive in…

How to make money from selling beats online in 2022 (6 amazing ways)

No matter which genre of music you produce, there’s always a market for all to make money out of it.

Here’s a quick glance at other questions related to making money selling beats online before we proceed ahead.

Can you sell the same beat twice?Yes, you can sell beat more than once if it holds a non-exclusive license to it.
Are beats worth selling?Definitely yes, if you have a passion to create music. This can create a good source of passive earnings with time for you.
Where can I sell my music?Several platforms are available for the sale of music such as Airbit, BeatStars, Soundee, etc.
Can you make a living selling beats?Yes, you can definitely make a living online from selling beats as it’s a growing business industry and has immense scope for every budding artist creating music.
Quick questions on how to make money selling beats online

1. Make money selling beats online by providing services on freelancing platforms such as Fiverr

Freelancing is a pretty common way to make money online.

We have reached an era where people are looking for specialists who know what they speak of.

If you know how to compile music and entertain others, you have a market to sell it for.

Freelancing platforms such as Fiverr have an already established user base of buyers who are looking for the same.

Fiverr is one platform where you can build an amazing client base by delivering good work from your music.

As you can see from above there are numerous services on offer to try out on Fiverr.

Not only does Fiverr have a host of other easy ways to make a side income as well.

How much can you expect to earn from Fiverr selling beats online?

You can make around $5 – $300 depending upon your level of expertise and experience on the platform.

2. Create a YouTube channel to sell services to make money selling beats online

A YouTube channel is another good medium to connect to a wide range of music lovers out there.

The user base that is existent on YouTube provides so much access across the platform to spread your music everywhere.

Many indie creators find work on their YouTube channels when they created good music online.

If you can compile good music then showcase your work by uploading good music about that.

You can’t solely rely on the YouTube revenue which can come mainly from ads.

But this can be the ticket to collaborations for so many things such as:

  • with other artists, 
  • getting in touch with music companies, 
  • building fan following to have your live concert one day and much more.

How much can you earn from YouTube selling beats online?

Upto $2000 for a million views only from Ads on YouTube (excluding other sources of income)

So what’s keeping you on hold, get started with YouTube today itself.

3. Build your portfolio of work to make money selling beats online

What is the best way to impress someone with your talent?

It’s simple, build a portfolio that anyone would look upto.

How would you build work to make money from selling beats online?

It’s again simple, create a blog or website that can showcase your work on how everything goes around.

Again you can tie this up along with your YouTube channel and also social media platforms such as Instagram.

This will be the best way to show your professionalism to others looking to hire music artists online.

4. Sell your beats online to other platforms

There are several platforms where you can sell your beats online to others.

This can be a direct way to make money from your beats.

There are amazing platforms to support indie creators looking to make money from their beats such as:

  • Airbit, 
  • BeatStars, 
  • Soundee, 
  • Soundgine, and 
  • TrakTrain

Your music can go for sale broadly under 2 types of licenses i.e. exclusive and non-exclusive licenses.

Selling exclusive licenses would mean selling your exclusive rights to one person (entity) only.

While selling a non-exclusive license would be selling rights to more than one entity.

The non-exclusive license would go to more than one entity.

This mode of selling beats would involve your ability to negotiate and sell beats as per our expectations.

You need to sell your beats by licensing them for use by the end-user. 

Essentially you will get the following features available:

  • the flexibility of setting up your page by using predefined templates, 
  • give necessary discounts to enter into contracts with parties by building social media platforms and 
  • building an email list to make money from it eventually.

So look into such platforms to make money selling beats online.

5. Add your music to production music libraries and make money selling beats online

Any indie creator can make money while building a music library.

When you have a production library of music in your portfolio, you will be able to sell it to music companies and other creators.

As a beginner looking for ways to make money from music this is a great way to make money.

The music will hold value for several purposes such as:

  • Filmmakers
  • TV projects
  • Ad shows
  • Video game industry
  • Commercials etc

The music can find its place in making trailer videos, videos for credits, or even for various events.

The money that is paid can come in various forms such as:

  • Sometimes it can come as upfront payments,
  • Making an even proportion of the payments divided equally between the creator and the user,
  • Long-term payment over a course of time etc.

So focus on creating some cool tracks to add to your portfolio to make money from it.

6. Leverage your brand from music to make money selling merch online

Merchandise is one of the modes of showing loyalty and liking toward your favorite creator.

If you are an AC/DC fan, what are the odds of not flaunting your favorite AC/DC merch before a concert?

This is exactly how music creators can make money online from selling their merchandise.

Once you have a brand established and have a good following of fans, you can start to sell your merch.

A study of more than 1000 band T-shirt owners has said that the popular band “AC/DC” is the greatest band tee ever.

Many independent artists find this a lucrative way to make money and build passive earrings online as well.

You can get started for free and can use platforms such as Teespring or Redbubble start with.

How much can you make selling merch as a music artist online?


Today we have discussed 6 ways to make money selling beats online.

Here’s what we discussed so far on this…


6 ways to make money selling beats online in 2022 include the following:

  • Provide services on freelancing platforms such as Fiverr to make money from selling beats online.
  • Create a YouTube channel to sell your services.
  • Build your portfolio from a blog or website to sell your services online.
  • Start selling your own created beats online onto other platforms.
  • Add your music to the music library to sell for various uses such as TVs, ads, commercial projects, etc.
  • Leverage your brand from music to be able to make money from it by selling merchandise.


1. How can I sell beats online successfully?

Ans. One can sell beats online successfully by promoting the music on several platforms, building upon a portfolio of beats on a website or a blog, selling merch by building upon your music brand, and much more.

2. Is it hard to make money selling beats?

Ans. Nothing is hard until you get it done. In short selling beats online takes relatively a good amount of work and consistent production of good quality music. Focus on building your brand to be able to make good money from selling beats.

3. How much can you sell a beat for?

Ans. This depends on quite a few factors. What matters is which route you opt for to make money by selling beats. It can generate even $5 or even make as high as $1000 for selling even a single beat online.

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