how to make money without a 9 to 5 job

How to make money without a 9 to 5 job in 2022 (7 ways to make money)

How to make money without a 9 to 5 job?

Many of us are currently in the scenario where we don’t have a job in hand. In such a scenario, what we need is a source of income which is reliable.

What this means is finding the right and legit ways of making money and something which is as per our liking.

Once we figure out the ways to make money we can work consistently towards repeating the process that can build wealth for us over time.

So, how to exactly make money without a 9 to 5 job in 2022.

Here’s how..

7 ways to make money without a 9 to 5 job in 2022

We are going to cover up 7 ways of making money without a 9 to 5 job in 2022 and talk about making money online as a beginner.

If you are someone who is looking for quick ways to earn some extra bucks, then you can head over here.

This is for those who want to hustle hard with patience, discipline and dedication to build an online business that can build wealth over a period of time.

Let’s get started..

1. Build a print on demand business

A print on demand business is a business model that has a lot of potential in the present day scenario. 

If you are someone who is creative, and you are good with using tools meant for creating designs and graphics then this is for you.

Print on Demand, a.k.a POD is something where you can sell merchandise online by printing the designs onto them.

Consider this, if you have a cool design in your head, which you feel can be printed onto a t- shirt or maybe a mug, why not try it out.

If you find someone else who likes your designs and wants to get those imprinted onto something, they will buy it from you.

In this case you will be having a virtual POD store where you can list your designs and people would then buy those that they like.

You only need to worry about your designs. You can put your designs for sale onto a POD platform such as Teespring or maybe Redbubble.

Shipping and handling charges will be deducted by the different POD platforms and you can keep a portion of the sale made, out of the sale.

2. Get into blogging to make money without a 9 to 5 job

Blogging is a fabulous business model that has an enormous potential for the customers. One can blog about so many things that one cares about.

All you need is an idea on what to write about and you can start to publish content around it.

Once you build an audience around your blogging business, you can start to monetize it as well.

Blogging has seen a huge success with so many people and many people have been doing it full time for a long time.

This also happens to be one of the businesses where you don’t need to show your face to do the business.

3. Start a YouTube channel

Youtube is one of the most amazing ways to express yourself and that does have some really good perks attached to it as well.

When you work on your content and upload videos onto YouTube with consistency it helps to expand your popularity with time.

YouTube can help make money online even if you are into a 9 to 5 job. All it needs is regular and uploading content onto YouTube.

YouTube will see massive explosive growth in the time to come,so anyone who gets into YouTube from now can make it big in the time to come.

Related: How to make money online on YouTube in 2022?

4. Start freelance content writing

Content writing has been always in demand all time. 

This is because when you write stuff for others you help other content creators make good money out of it.

Content plays a key role to drive traffic and help turn numbers into money as well.

Many content creators are looking for so many ways of making money and putting content online is one of the best ways to do so.

So you can start writing content for others and help other content creators in the process.

This is a really good pay job that can be accomplished without a 9 to 5 as well.

For this you would need to put in the hours into it.

Related: How to write content and make money online in 2022?

5. Work as a graphic designer to make money without a 9 to 5 job

Graphic designing is another well paid job when it comes to making money out there.

This requires you to be creative and design good stuff as per the requirement of the project.

Graphic designing involves using tools such as Canva or photoshop where you design creative stuff.

One can start with a beginner level of projects and make around $5 – $10 to start with.

You can learn about this from various sources such as YouTube or even some paid courses online.

Delivering these projects can help you make money online soon in the process.

6. Start a dropshipping business

Dropshipping business is another form of business where you can sell stuff online being a middleman for someone else’s product.

You simply put up a store(virtually) online and let visitors visit the store to purchase stuff from there.

You keep a commission for the sales made in the process.

One can make money after deduction of the shipping and handling charges out of it.

This is a great business model where you can earn a good revenue.

For this you need to work at it to establish your presence online and expand your business as well.

Dropshipping really works well when you put in the time and the effort to build your store online.

Related: How to make money online from the dropshipping business in 2022?

7. Sell stock photos online

Ever been to the stock images website and wondered who would have uploaded the same onto the sites?

Several stock images websites regularly upload the photos shared by different users online and make money in the process.

If you are someone who loves photography and have a great collection of stock photos in your collection, then you are in business.

You can share these photos online in the websites.

These will be available for other users who can download these photos for their own commercial use.

You are paid royalty for the use of the photos and this is again a passive source of earning model online.

Related: How to make money online from photography in 2022?

Key Takeaways

Here are the best ways on how to make money without a 9 to 5 job in 2022:

  • Print on Demand business
  • Blogging
  • YouTube channel
  • Freelance content writing
  • Graphic Designer
  • Dropshipping business
  • Sell stock photos online

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