How to earn money on Saturday and Sunday

How to earn money on Saturday and Sunday in 2022 (6 amazing ways)

How to earn money on Saturday and Sunday?

Many people hustle in their life daily to earn their bread and butter without truly living off to their capabilities in life.

You are working day and night trying hard to make ends meet and the days are passing by quickly out of hand.

One day you realize you are not living the life you want to live.

This makes you realize that you need to change something in your life and the first thing is fixing up ways of earning money.

If you are stuck working a 9 to 5 job, or you are a student or stay at home mom then this is what you need to read today to make the most out of life.

Considering the fact that most of us are busy working on weekdays we get to have time available only during weekends.

In order to change the way you earn money by putting time actively onto it, here’s what you need to do to earn money on Saturday and Sunday in 2022.

6 ways to earn money on Saturday and Sunday in 2022

Starting out a side hustle working on weekends is the best way to earn money in 2022.

Here’s what you need to do to earn money over weekends:

1. Start working on a blog and put content onto the internet

If you ask me 1 successful side hustle that can be a great way to earn passive income, my answer would be BLOGGING.

Why is it so? This is simply because there is so much to do from blogging.

Many people in this world like to read stuff and more so digitally.

A stat reveals that an average reading time for a person is around 20 minutes in a day.

This goes on to say that people still consume content digitally by reading stuff and solving their issues.

What’s the take from this whole information?

If you are someone who can write stuff well and have an interest in any aspect of life, why not start a blog around it?

This way you can connect to people around the world who can find your content valuable and you can make money out of it.

Blogging can make income form several ways which includes:

  • running ads, 
  • selling affiliate links or 
  • even digital consulting and selling digital products

And the best part is the low cost investment business model and be a passive source of income for you.

There’s location freedom as well as you can work as per your own routine each day.

Every weekend on Saturday and Sunday you can produce content that can make money with time. 

This is no quick rich scheme and takes time to produce real results.

2. Work as a freelance content writer to earn money on Saturday and Sunday

Freelance content writing is something we all must be aware of.

This is a similar business model where you have to write content to make money online.

The only difference is you are working for someone (client) where you get paid for each article or bulk of contents delivered.

This can offer some quick money and good money if you do it well.

Working on weekends during Saturdays and Sundays can be done as a freelance content writer to earn money.

Related: How to make money as a freelance writer in 2022 and earn upto $400 per month?

3. Do work as a transcriptionist to make money in 2022

Transcription is the task of converting audio and video files into digitally written form of content.

One needs to have a good listening skill as well as awareness of knowing about a specific language.

Many people need someone who can read audio and videos to convert them into a digital written form of content.

This is where transcriptionists come into play and help in converting the files as required.

The pay rate is usually $10 per audio hour of file converted.

This can be done to earn money on Saturday and Sundays during the weekend at your own time and convenience.

4. Be a virtual assistant and help businesses to earn money on weekends

A virtual assistant is someone who helps to manage the businesses online by taking care of their day to day tasks.

Every entrepreneur who does business doesn’t have time to take care of all the activities.

There are certain tasks which can be taken care of by others as well.

Simple tasks such as managing excel sheets, scheduling meetings, doing data entry or even handling affairs on social media.

All these involve a lot of administrative stuff where business owners don’t have time to put in their effort.

This is where the Virtual Assistants can come into play to help businesses make money in 2022.

There has been a constant rise in the demand of VA’s all across the globe.

You can do the work of a Virtual Assistant even on weekends such as Saturday or even a Sunday.

Typically beginner VA’s can expect to earn around $400 per month starting out in 2022.

5. Build a YouTube channel

How can we choose not to include YouTube from the list?

Every person who wants to build a successful business online can contribute their content in the form of videos onto YouTube as well.

This is one single platform which has grown tremendously over the past few years.

There’s a reason for this as more and more people have been watching videos over YouTube to learn everyday.

This has been the case especially after the pandemic.

Every content creator can target YouTube as one of the platforms to grow their audience base.

Making videos even twice during a week with consistency during weekends is all you need to start with.

Monetization options are plentily available once you start getting decent views and subscribers.

One needs to choose the right niche and audience to cater to in order to grow their YouTube channel.

Being an expert in holding knowledge of something truly helps a lot in the process.

6. Photography is a great side hustle to make money as well

If you are interested in clicking pictures and have a good collection of photographs, you are in for money as well.

Photography is one niche which has a lot of potential and can make good money as well.

Selling stock photos online and making money from it is another form of passive earning online.

Several websites offer selling stock images online and anyone can do this.

This can be an interesting hobby to do in 2022 especially for earning money online.

You can also integrate with blogging to make money along with selling digital courses online.

This can be a good way to sell digital courses teaching people online about photography.

So you can work during weekends on Saturdays and Sundays to make money out of it.

Today we have discussed about 6 ways on how to earn money on Saturday and Sunday in 2022.

Here’s what we discussed so far.

Key Takeaways

Here’s how to earn money on Saturday and Sunday in 2022:

  • Blogging
  • Freelance content writing
  • Transcriptionist
  • Virtual Assistant
  • YouTube channel
  • Photography

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