How to make $5,000 a month

How to make $5000 a month in 2022 (Complete Beginner’s Guide)

I was searching for how to make $5000 a month a while ago.

The internet opened up a plethora of options that have been tried and tested out by many living in the digital economy.

Making money online is not some magic pill to swallow and see the effects the very next day.

While there are tons of ways to make money fast online, this blog post is not about that.

Instead, we will look at some of the legitimate ways to make money online ($5000 per month) that you can start today 

In this blog post, we will cover 7 amazing ways to make $5000 a month.

Key Disclaimers:

  • All the methods discussed below require patience and consistency to succeed in the longrun…(long-term game🙂)
  • Along with the above, all the methods to be discussed are to be carried out online💻

So buckle up and let’s get started…

5 ways to make $5000 a month from the internet in 2022

Before we get started, why did we choose $5000 and who can work to make $5000 per month online.

Moreover, what do you exactly need to start working online?

63 out of 69 reports have an average income of around $5000 per month which makes it interesting to pick $5000.

Basic requirements would include a strong internet connection and the availability of a computer.

Anyone can work online be it a stay-at-home mom or even the elderly who are looking to create this income.

Under each method discussed below, we have a separate sub-section where we have talked about how you are going to make $5000 per month from the method.

Here’s a brief summary of the 5 ways to make $5000 a month from the internet

ParticularsWho can do it?
Affiliate MarketingBeginner-friendly method
Selling CoursesNeed expert knowledge of the course being sold
FreelancingAny beginner can work on a skill to be a freelancer
PhotographyAnyone can do this
Selling MerchandiseNeed some knowledge related to selling merch online

Earning money with Affiliate Marketing

What is affiliate marketing?

This is not surely a new thing for anyone.

If you look around people are promoting something that can help you solve a problem.

By serving as an affiliate for the recommendation offered (usually a product), they make a commission out of it.

This is known as affiliate commission.

The entire process involved that helps people to earn their affiliate commission is what affiliate marketing is all about.

how to make $5000 a month

Here is an affiliate product related link placed in the site “InboxDollars”.

How do you start with affiliate marketing?

Affiliate marketing can be defined best by the following one thing:

“If there is a problem in life, then there is always a recommendation (usually third party product) to solve the problem”.

But along with the above, certain other factors play a huge role in being a successful affiliate marketer:

  • Having Trust,
  • Building an audience base,
  • Recommending the right product to the audience,
  • Choosing the right platform to promote, etc

How to make money from affiliate marketing?

This is what we want to read through to understand how to make $5000 a month from affiliate marketing.

The 4 basic steps to help you earn $5000 a month from affiliate marketing are as follows:

  • Picking a niche
  • Select the right platform
  • Creating content
  • Joining affiliate programs and making affiliate commissions.
Pick a niche of your choice

The very first step is the selection of a niche. This involves looking into what you can promote the best to your audience.

Let’s say you are someone who loves to drink teas and you would like to talk about it.

As an example, let’s freeze upon the niche “Tea” or even a sub-niche such as “Black Teas”.

You can start to tell the people what you feel about the variety of teas available. 

There are many people who would love to hear your thoughts on topics such as

  • Best green teas for weight loss,
  • Best white tea for health,
  • Top 10 black teas, etc.

You can start to tell people around you what you think about the above things.

But for this, you would need a medium to communicate which is discussed below.

Select the right platform

This is crucial as the platform you opt for can make a big difference in how much money you make from affiliate marketing.

Following are some of the platforms popularly used for affiliate marketing, such as:

If you are someone who loves to write content then you can opt to create your own blog and share stuff related to teas.

If you love to create videos, then YouTube can be a favorable platform for you.

Likewise, if you want to share reels and photos of your favorite tea recipes, then Instagram can be a good medium for you.

So you have to select the platform where you want to create the content as a content creator

Create valuable good content

This is where the main crux of the work is done, i.e. content creation.

In the content creator economy where 2.5 quintillion bytes of data are created every day, we need to give good valuable content regularly to pull the crowd to our online business center.

It’s like everyone around you is baking a cake when you have a cake shop newly opened.

But not to be discouraged, most of the cakes around you aren’t of good quality…😎.

So in this step focus on what your audience needs when it comes to tea and their choices.

Do they want to see recipes, and uses of tea for face masks, organic teas, etc.

Once you start producing good content, people will:

  • Build trust in you and
  • Will look to seek your recommendations for things related to tea.

This is where the final step comes when it comes to making money from affiliate marketing.

Joining an affiliate program and earning affiliate commissions ($5000 per month)
How to make $5000 a month online

When you build and nurture your audience, you can work around ways to make that affiliate commission you have been waiting for.

Simply type in “Your Niche + Affiliate Programs” to get all the recommendations you require as shown above.

Now, you can start recommending the products of your choice from your content and can start making affiliate commissions.

Here’s an example of an “affiliate post that is linked to Amazon”.

How to make $5000 a month

Once you start ranking organically and pull traffic from other sources you can start earning affiliate commissions to make money online.

Okay, now you understand the process of what it takes to make money from affiliate marketing, but still not sure how you meet the $5000 per month goal.

Let’s discuss it…

How do you exactly make $5000 per month from affiliate marketing?

Earnings from affiliate marketing depend upon the following:

  • Traffic per month
  • Conversion rate
  • Commission earned per conversion
  • The total commission earned per month

Here’s a simple chart that says about earning potential from affiliate marketing as per traffic.

Traffic per monthConversion RateCommission per conversionTotal commission
1,000 visitors1%20% of $9 = $1.8$1.8 * 1% * 1000 = $18
10,000 visitors1%20% of $9 = $1.8$1.8 * 1% *10000 = $180
100,000 visitors1%20% of $9 = $1.8$1.8 * 1% *100000 = $1800
400,000 visitors1%20% of $9 = $1.8$1.8 * 1% *400000 = $7200
1,000,000 visitors1%20% of $9 = $1.8$1.8 * 1% * 1000000 = $18000

As we can see in the chart above, we can reach the target beyond $5000 if we get a traffic of 400k visitors per month.

Here everything is a variable:

  • Traffic = Higher the better commission you earn
  • Affiliate commission per sale = Higher the better
  • Conversion rate = Higher the better conversion we get.

We have considered a conversion of merely 1% here and calculated all the things above.


So if you have a good post, let’s say a blog that pulls around 400k visitors per month then you make $5000 per month from just one post considering all factors remain the same as above.

Imagine when you increase the posts and traffic generated over time as well, earnings will quantify very soon…🤑

Additional Note:

When you pull in this traffic regularly they can serve as leads for the tea companies out there who can pay money for selling leads.

What is the scope of affiliate marketing in 2022 and beyond?

How to make $5000 a month

Okay now you know how you can make $5000 per month, but is it really viable long-term.

The trend for the industry is surely up and onward. This means we can expect to see positive results in the future.

A quick search over the internet shows amazing success stories of people who have been successful with affiliate marketing.

People have millions of dollars and are making a full-time living by quitting their 9 to 5 jobs.

As long as there are problems with people, there will always be a solution to it and thus a recommendation.

The industry is huge and wide for everyone to fit in. 

One has to simply build their stand in such a niche. 

The money will come as a byproduct.

This goes to show selling other people’s products is here to stay for the long term and there will still be demand long term.

So get started now…

Okay, let’s move on to the next.

Selling Digital Products

Digital products have always been in demand and everyone is always looking to buy something or the other every day.

I mean how many of you have ever invested money to buy a course (digital product)? (some have been complete trash…😐)

But there is money to be made here as well. 

How do you sell a digital product online?

Digital products are going to be the central focal point of the economy we are striving in ahead for.

Selling any digital product requires you to follow these 6 basic steps:

  • Identifying your own expertise
  • Determining the demand and supply of the product in the market.
  • Factoring in costs related to the course.
  • Selection of the right channel to sell.
  • Fixing the appropriate selling price for selling the digital product.
  • Start marketing campaigns to sell the product.

Let’s discuss each one in detail:

Identify your own expertise

The very first step is finding out what you are good at.

This involves finding out what you are good at which can be taught to others.

Once you know where your strengths are and what you can help others with, things start to get on track from there.

  1. Suppose you have fluency and good command of English, you have a market right open for you. This can be converted into a beginner-friendly course and sold over platforms for money.
  1. You have created a readymade template related to creating budgets for beginners. Great!!  Share it with others for a fee.
  1. You have mastered how to prepare cupcakes. Amazing!!! How about teaching how to make small cupcakes to others as well for a small fee?
  1. Sketches are something you enjoy doing as a hobby. That’s cool!! People would love to learn that from you. How about creating a course for that. You get it, right!!! All you need is an idea to get started.

Basically, any make money skill that you specialize in, that can be converted into a saleable product can be sold as a course.

Okay, now we know what we need to build as a digital product. 

Lets’s focus on the next step, i.e. finding out if there is any requirement for the product.

Validate the idea for a product

Again once you have figured out what to build, it’s time to validate your idea first.

This requires you to check for resources around you to see what people are looking for.

The best place to go to is any public forum such as “Quora”.

A simple search for “Best Excel Courses” in Quora gives a total view exceeding 16k.

What does this suggest?

It’s simple, people are looking for courses online related to “Learning Excel”.

Another place is going through websites selling courses such as Coursera while validating your idea.

How to make $5000 a month

Here you can see the reviews placed against the courses available on the site. 

These can be a good indicator of what’s missing and what is to be included.

Okay now you know you can start to work on your digital product, let’s get into costing…

Factoring in the cost required to create the digital product

After validating the idea to create a digital product, the next step is finding out the cost associated with it.

This can be a low cost-business model or can be expensive depending upon how you decide to do it.

If you rely on only a camera to record sessions for the course and put it all into a course, then obviously the costs are going to be really less.

But if you are creating any other type of digital product such as a digital template or maybe software, then you may be in need of some expert help to build it from scratch.

This would definitely have some cost associated with it.

Whatever path you take you need to factor in the costs associated with the product.

As such usually the costs can be attributed to the following:

  • Paid tools
  • Professional help such as editors, and graphic designers.
  • Marketing expenses related to putting ads and stuff etc.

Once you make an estimated cost look at what price you can sell it for and is there profit to be made from it.

If yes, you are in for the game!!!

Selection of the right channel to sell

This is of utmost importance.

As like affiliate marketing, selecting the medium to promote your stuff is key.

Many things can be attributed to the success of your digital product.

Some of the key things to consider are:

  • Availability of audience.
  • Ease of execution of building and selling a product.
  • Level of autonomy required.
  • Trust of people for using the platform etc.

One such paid platform is Gumroad.

It provides the flexibility of selling from a range of products which are:

  • Animation assets.
  • Apps and software plugins and presets.
  • Stories, books, or guides.
  • Comics.
  • Crafts and more.

It provides flexibility to sell unlimited items with a small transaction fee of 2.9% to 9% with a $0.30 added for each transaction.

At the same time, if you have your own website you get full autonomy.

One such example is “”.

Here you will find a lot of courses related to teaching calligraphy which is sold to people online as a digital product.

What is the cost incurred for the same – ZERO when it comes to your own website.

Find the appropriate sales price for your digital product

Next up is finding at what price to sell.

How do you fix this?

You can perform this basic math to get to know what your sales pricing should look like:

Cost incurred + Profit Estimated = Sales Price

The best way to validate your sales price is to look around others who are selling stuff.

Once you validated the price to sell, it’s time to start marketing the product.

Start the marketing of the product 

Marketing is the essence of success in today’s era.

There is noise everywhere around when it comes to selling stuff online.

Anyone on the internet is flooded with targeted ads that focus on selling things to them.

This creates a purpose to target the audience in the right manner.

Once you start with the marketing campaign you spread the word everywhere, such as:

  • Through YouTube Ads
  • Google Ads
  • Facebook Ads, and more.

The stronger the marketing campaign the better the results you can expect from it.

How to make $5000 per month selling digital products?

The next question in mind is how are we going to make $5000 per month.

This can be dictated by the number of sales and the price of each product sold.

Here’s a little comparison chart to show you what you can expect from selling a digital product.

Traffic per monthConversionsDigital Product Price (each item)Total Sales
10000.1%$50$50 * 1 = $50
100000.1%$50$50 * 10 = $500
1000000.1%$50$50 * 100 = $5000

As you can see, by selling around 100 copies of the product with pricing set at $50, you can make $5000 per month.

All these are hypothetical and are based on variables which are:

  • Traffic every month
  • Conversions of the traffic
  • Pricing of each product

What is the scope of selling digital products?

Again we are living in the digital economy where we are using virtual currency to buy stuff online.

This makes it clearly evident that people want to use more and more digital products for so many reasons, such as

  • Ease of use
  • Allowing the option to reuse the product again and again.
  • Cost-efficient and more.

My best way to assess anything is to see how well it’s trending.

Again the scale is up and onward.

There are so many success stories who have a full-time living selling digital products such as:

  • Miss Excel selling her excel courses makes 6 figures from her business.
  • Another example is Mike Geary who made around 7 figures from his e-book.
  • Radzen has made over 6 figures a year selling stuff on GumRoad.

So hang around and create a digital product today to earn at least $5000 per month online.

Relevant Information: How to sell digital products and passive income online in 2022

Work as a freelancer

This is one of the most talked-about side hustles online when it comes to earning money online.

If you have a skill that you have been nurturing for a while then freelancing is the way to go.

Today we are living in a gig economy, and it is estimated that the freelancing economy will reach $455 billion by 2023.

This is a sign that there is a lot of demand for freelancers to make money from their gigs.

How to start working as a freelancer?

To become a freelancer, one can follow these 4 simple steps:

  • Work on developing a skill that you are most interested in.
  • Look for the platforms to help others to make money from freelancing.
  • Reach out to potential clients who would be interested in utilizing your skill for money.
  • Start taking in work and build your business online by working as a freelancer.

Let’s look in detail at all the aspects discussed above.

Developing a skill you are most interested in

Any sort of skill can help you make money online as long as others require it too.

As an example, you may be skillful in designing stuff. 

You can try your hands at being a graphic designer. 

This requires utilizing your knowledge in developing your hands at several things such as:

  • Designing infographic images,
  • Making brochures,
  • Making postcards and flyer designs etc.

Similarly, if you are good with social media, you can try your hands at being social media manager for content creators.

So think about what skill you possess that can be converted into a money-making machine.

Some of the popular work as a freelancer are:

  • Freelance Writer
  • Social Media Consultant
  • Copywriters
  • Video Editor
  • Graphic Designer etc
Find platforms to sell your skills as a freelancer
How to make $5000 a month

This step is related to finding the platform where you want to sell your skill as a freelancer.

There are many platforms where you can sell your services as a freelancer, such as:

  • Fiverr
  • Freelancer
  • Upwork
  • Guru etc

This is the crucial step as working around multiple platforms can help you multiply your income.

Reaching out to potential customers to showcase your skills

Once you have figured out the platform to sell your services, it’s time to reach out to potential customers.

This can involve selling your services for free.

Once you approach the right people and let them know what you can offer, things will slowly start to build from there.

Start taking in work and build your business from there

This involves the last step where you take in work from all sources possible (mostly freelancing) and make the best of it possible.

Making money is the last step in the entire process.

One must possess the essential things which are must for building a freelancing business.

Following are the key things to remember while building upon freelance work:

  • Trust
  • Expertise
  • Experience
  • Ability to deliver the work on a timely basis and more.

Once you help in giving good quality work to the clients online and deliver the work on time, your reputation will grow with time.

Creating a solid name in this business requires patience and consistent efforts to scale the business longterm

How to make $5000 per month as a freelancer?

Let’s have a look at this equation from the example below.

Suppose you are helping out clients with SEO-related services.

A quick look for freelancers who are providing freelancing services reveals that the starting rates are around $10.

Now’s let’s see how you can reach the target of $5000 per month from freelancing as below:

A Level – 1 seller provides 3 different rates for the services from basic level to Expert level.

  • Entry Level = $10
  • Intermediate Level = $40
  • Expert Level = $120
ClientsEntry PriceIntermediate PriceExpert PriceMaximum Total Amount

As you can see the earnings from freelancing largely depend upon the following 2 factors:

  • No. of clients working for.
  • The pricing is set for the services offered.

Higher pricing and a lower no of clients can yield the best returns always.

Having said that one shouldn’t ignore the low-paying clients as well. 

Thus a suitable combination of having the right mixture of work is all you would require at the end of the day.

What is the scope of freelancing in 2022 and beyond?

We are increasingly turning towards the gig economy.

This industry scale of growth is phenomenal and is expected to keep growing strong in the future as well.

More and more people will be keen to take up freelancing work in the future.

Thus one shouldn’t undermine the value of being a freelancer in today’s economy.

Relevant Information: How to make money on Fiverr in 2022?

Making Money from Photography

Did you know that making money from photography is not new to us?

If you love taking pictures and have a wonderful collection available to your credit, then there is money to be made for sure.

Consider this, if you have an interest in clicking pictures of pets, especially cats.

Then there are a lot of people who would love to have cat pictures for several purposes, such as:

Thus you can get started by putting work into the photography side hustle.

People are making a full-time living doing photography and this is something you can pursue if you fancy using a camera to make passive earnings.

How do you really start making money from photography?

Making money from photography requires you to follow the steps outlined below:

  • Choosing a niche.
  • Putting the focus on practice for taking good pictures.
  • Building a portfolio of work.
  • Publishing content for money onto different websites.
Define your niche of work

This is the first and foremost step and that is defining your niche of work.

A niche is a specific area that you can focus upon to start taking pictures of.

As an example, let’s consider that you love to take outdoor photography.

This means you generally have a good collection of pictures lying in your hard drive which is all about outdoor traveling photos and good landscapes.

Now, this is obvious that there will always be a demand for amazing photos for someone.

This is key because you will understand how to set up for the right angle and how to use the right equipment for taking that photo of your choice.

If you are unable to ascertain where your interests lie, then you won’t be able to focus on what you truly need to work upon.

So the very first step is defining your niche and area of interest where you want to work.

Get into work and start taking as many pictures

The second step is getting into practice and taking pictures.

This is where you master your art. 

As long as you practice hard and get in with the act you are in the game always.

As a beginner starting out when you put in the hours of practice, you start to get good with time.

Investing in the right equipment, and learning the basics of photography are the starting point for any beginner.

One must remember that out of 1000’s of photos you will find a handful of ones that would be your favorites.

So this step must not be ignored and should be considered seriously.

Start building a portfolio for your work
How to make $5000 a month

This is where you build a portfolio of your work.

Start creating a collection of photos that showcases your best work.

This takes time to build from scratch. 

So being patient and working consistently over a period of time makes all the efforts worth it.

As an example, if you see above, there is a collection of around 1100 pics from the photographer.

Thus being patient with yourself and publishing content regularly can help to build upon your work over time.

Publish content for money on various sites to make money

This is the final step where you would be looking to make $5000 per month from photography.

As you start building upon your portfolio, you will be able to gain followers and people interested in your work.

Continuing with the previous example, if out of 1100 photos you sell roughly 10% of it each priced at $5, you make around $550.

This is all passive and can accumulate over months together where one pic can be sold multiple times to multiple clients.

The money usually comes in the following forms for the photographs sold:

  • License
  • Royalty for images used, etc

When you replicate the work onto multiple sites, the income increases exponentially and this makes a huge difference to the total income generated over a period of time.

There are multiple sites where you can upload the photos for a price, such as:

  • Pexels
  • Pixabay
  • Canva
  • Unsplash, etc

Thus making money from selling photos is a passive source of income and more sales will be more earnings.

So get started today and get going selling today.

What is the scope of selling photos online to make money?

Selling photos online will not go out of the market.

The very essence of this fact lies in the fact that every content creator will require the use of photos at every point in time.

As long as there is demand for photos online there will always be a scope of money to be minted from it.

People are even selling feet pictures online and making a full-time living from it!!

So the scope is always immense when it comes to building a full-time business from it.

Relevant Information: How to make money online from Photography in 2022?

Sell merch online and make money

Selling merchandise has been in the business for a long time.

Merchandise can come in several forms such as:

  • Caps
  • T-shirts
  • Pillows
  • Notebooks
  • Hoodies etc.

Any interesting design that looks good on the above products can be sold for a price. 

This is how an entire business comes into existence and people make money from it.

There are so many businesses flourishing that make tons of money selling different kinds of merch in the market.

Let’s get into the specifics as to how you can get started too…

How to start selling merchandise online for money?

Selling merch usually requires you to follow the following 4 steps

  • Picking a niche of work.
  • Creating unique designs of interest.
  • Selection of a platform to upload the design onto.
  • Fixing a price for the sale of the merchandise.

Let’s dig in deeper…

Picking up a niche to sell merchandise

The very first step that comes to making money from selling merch is defining your niche.

Similar to photography you must first analyze what are you good at.

If you are good in a specific field, pick that niche and start creating designs related to that.

As an example, if you love creating quotes and would like to have them imprinted onto merch, you can start doing it.

Creating unique quotes with the help of texts and emojis, you can make unique designs.

People are selling a whole range of stuff online and making a living from that full time.

So the very first step is to select a niche and start working around it.

Start creating unique designs of interest

The next step after niche selection is creating unique designs that can generate some income over time.

This requires you to understand what you are trying to build and create designs as per the requirement.

The more variations you can add to your designs with different types of merchandise, the better your chances to succeed.

So put an effort to add as many designs as you can to fasten your chances to succeed by selling merchandise.

A free platform such as Canva is a great tool to start creating designs of your choice and build your portfolio of work.

The next step is a selection of a platform to start publishing designs for free.

Select a platform to upload designs for your work

This is the penultimate step when it comes to uploading the designs of your choice.

Selecting the right platform is of paramount importance as you get to upload stuff for money.

Several platforms are available online that can help to supplement your level of income.

Some of the most popular platforms available for the sale of merchandise include:

  • TeeSpring
  • Redbubble
  • Sellfy
  • Zazzle
  • Merch by Amazon etc.

All these platforms help to foster your work online and provide you an opportunity to create an income by selling merch.

Fix a price to sell the merchandise on the platform

This is the final step when it comes to selling merch online.

You need to put the right price for the merch being sold and then can expect to make money from it.

If the prices are way too high and expensive, then it won’t help to make any money long term.

How to make $5000 selling merchandise online?

As an example, if you are selling phone cases online which are priced for, let’s say $21.

Now this phone case can be sold multiple times to different customers.

This means you just need 250 sales (approx) in a month to make $5000 just from ONE SINGLE PRODUCT from ONE SINGLE PLATFORM.

As such if you have multiple products lined up in your virtual store, then this presents an endless opportunity to make money from all sources possible.

Here’s a quick chart to show you some possibilities of numbers:

ProductPrice for each productNo of Sales Required (each month)Total Sales
Phone Cases$21250$5000 per month
Hoodies$40125$5000 per month
T-Shirts$20250$5000 per month
Leggings$45110 (approx)$5000 per month
Tote Bags$20250$5000 per month
Caps$25200$5000 per month

As you can see each product has a different price associated with it and is thus required to be sold differently to make $5000 per month online.

What is the scope of making money from selling merchandise online?

Selling merchandise online can be really beneficial provided you take the right approach to selling stuff.

Nurturing the audience and adding variations to your portfolio will help you scale the business soon.

The internet is filled with amazing success stories online that show what success can truly mean when it comes to selling merch online.

There are amazing stories of how people have created a fortune by selling merch online, but of course, nothing comes easy.

One has to keep working and improvising to learn how to sell merch online with the trend.

Let’s sum up all that we discussed so far about the 5 ways how to make $5000 a month in 2022.

Summary on how to make $5000 a month

Making money per month upto $5000 takes time and requires consistent efforts to be able to create a sustainable income online.

Here’s what we discussed about 5 ways how to make $5000 a month

How to make $5000 a monthDescriptionHow to make money (examples)
Affiliate MarketingEarn money as an affiliate commission by selling other people’s productsSell 5000 tea products (per month) for a commission of 10% ($1) on each product.
Selling Digital ProductsMake money from the sale of digital products onlineSell at least 100 courses for a minimum of $50 each
Work as freelancerMake money selling freelancing services onlineGet at least 500 clients for SEO-related services offered for $10 each
Selling photographsCreate a collection of photographs and make money onlineSell around 1000 licenses of own photographs for $5 each
Sell merchandise onlineSell merch online to create passive earningsSell over 250 cell phone cases for $21 each online

I hope you were able to get some useful information from the entire post. 

So what’s your favorite way of making $5000 a month from all methods discussed, let us know in the comments section below.

Meanwhile, let’s have a quick look at some of the commonly asked questions from people on how to make $5000 a month.

FAQs on how to make $5000 a month

How to make $5000 a month in passive income?

Making passive income every month can come from affiliate marketing, selling merchandise, selling photographs, and more.

How to make $5000 a month from blogging?

Making $5000 from blogging can come from various sources such as affiliate marketing, advertisement income, digital product sales, merch sales, lead generation, and more.

How to make $5000 from home?

One can make $5000 from home from various sources such as Dropshipping, affiliate marketing, teaching online, selling courses, and more.

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