best side hustle in 2022

15 Side Hustle Ideas to Start in 2022 (Earn $1000 every month)

Are you looking for legit side hustle ideas that can possibly make you at least $1000 per month in 2022?

Today we have 15 such side hustle ideas that can scale up to become a major source of income, while some have the potential to become a source of passive income as wellā€¦šŸ˜€.

I have put together a list of an overview of some of easy to start side hustle business ideas which can be categorized as follows:

In 2021, nearly 33% of people in America had a side hustle as per reports of Zapier

This is even expected to grow even more in the time to come.

Here is essentially what we will cover for each of the side hustle that we have on the list:

  • What is the side hustle all about?
  • How much money can you make from the side hustle?
  • What are the essential skills to start the side hustle?
  • Essential requirements to start the side hustle and more.

Besides above, we have covered each side hustle in detail at placed as a link underneath each idea discussed.

So feel free to explore moreā€¦šŸ˜‰.

Okay, now letā€™s get started.

List of side hustles to start in 2022 (All you need to know)

Before we dive deep into each of the side hustle that we are going to talk about, hereā€™s a quick glance at what we are about to discuss:

Side Hustle IdeaHow much money can you make
Blogging$500 – $1000 per month as a beginner
Freelance Content WritingUpto $400 per month starting out
Virtual AssistantUpto $4000 per month with experience
Walking DogsMake around $15 per hour
BabysittingMake up to $35 per hour
Sell domains for moneyMake $500 – $1000 dollars for a domain
Sell digital productsAt least $5 – $10 for selling each product online
YouTube channelMake at least $100 to start off as a beginner
Sell feet pictures Make $2 – $5 for each picture
BookkeepingEarn around $45,250 per month
Professional CuddlerMake money upto $80 per hour
Professional CleanerMake around $50 – $350 per hour
ProofreadingEarn money upto $26 per hour
DropshippingEarn from $1000 to $5000 per month
Teaching online$5 – $1000 per course

Note: All the above stated figures are a representation of what to expect, but not absolute income figures at all.

Letā€™s get started nowā€¦

Start making money from Blogging

Blogging is the first and my favorite side hustle idea that we can start from.

Being a blogger, you get to learn a lot of skills such as:

  • Writing content, 
  • Creating images, 
  • Ability to research about stuff, 
  • Social media content promotion,
  • Better Communication skills and more.

All these skills are money making skills essential for the improvement of a person that can bring in a lot of positive changes with time.

As a blogger, one needs to be patient in their approach on what they write about while creating content.

Essentially a blogger writes stuff about a specific niche and puts the written content onto a website.

Successful bloggers can make money from their blogs in numerous ways such as putting ads, affiliate sales, digital course sales and more.

How much can you earn from blogging

As a beginner in blogging one can expect to make around $1000 per month from their blog given a time frame of 1 – 1.5 years.

What are the essential skills necessary to become a blogger

One needs to have the following skills to start blogging:

  • Ability to write on a certain topic (content writing).
  • Being able to optimize the article for the search engine (SEO optimization).
  • Learning how to promote the content as a content creator on social media.
  • Designing the images the right way to send the right message to the audience.
  • Networking with peers in the industry is the correct way to bring in new innovative ideas for the blog and overall growth (LinkedIn is the right place to start).

Whatā€™s the best feature of starting a blog

Here are the best features for starting a blog:

  • Requires a low cost or upfront investment to start the business (one can even start a blog for freešŸ¤©).
  • A blog can not only help make you millions but also connect you to people across borders.
  • Ability to blog about anything as a novice to becoming an expert right from the comfort of homeā€¦šŸ’».
  • Freedom to work from anywhere and at any time of your choice.
  • Includes as many as 21 ways of monetization of a blog.

To top it all the best feature according to me is being able to earn money while you are sleepingā€¦šŸ˜“.

Isnā€™t it amazing? Let us know what you think of it in the comments section below.

What are the requirements to start blogging

Here are some of the requirements to start blogging:

  • First step is to pick a niche to blog upon.
  • Buy a domain and get it hosted from a hosting account (requires an investment as low as $100 per year).
  • Start writing content keeping SEO in place.
  • Promote the content over several social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, YouTube and more).
  • Start gaining traffic and make money from monetization of the blogā€¦šŸ™‚

Make money from freelance content writing

Freelance content writing is the next way to make money online from content writing.

As a freelance content writer you are expected to write content as per the requirement of others.

If you donā€™t want to own a blog of your own, then you can pick up writing projects of others and make money by writing the content for others.

Freelance content writing has been in high demand and will continue to stay so.

Why do I say so, well content has become a prime source of money making opportunity for many people around.

As businesses are growing, they are looking to attract more consumers on board.

One of ways to do so is by giving them valuable information to read upon which again requires someone to write eloquently upon the given topic.

All these raise the demand of a freelance content writer to make money from their writing.

How much money can you earn from freelance content writing

A freelance content writer can make money upto $400 per month starting out depending upon the clients working upon.

This also depends upon the niche you work upon and your level of expertise working in the field.

What are the best features of starting a freelance content writing business?

Anyone looking to start a freelance content writing business can have the following best features:

  • Opportunity to hone and improve your writing skills.
  • May need some low cost investment to develop writing skill (if needed).
  • Building up a portfolio of writing assignments for a bigger project with time.šŸ“
  • Flexibility to work at your own schedule as desired for.
  • Opportunity to work from home and make money in the process.
  • Getting a chance in different niches of interest and building expertise on one subject area.

What are the essential skills to become a freelance content writer

Here are some of the essential skills that you need to become a freelance content writer:

  • First and foremost you need to be good at writing content to start freelancing.
  • Communication skills are required to be a part of this industry.
  • Networking also plays a key role to bring more contacts onto your network.
  • Being able to write as per different writing styles.
  • Ability to research for any topic.
  • Putting a unique content which is original and relevant as per the date of publishing.

What are the requirements to start freelance content writing

Here are some of the requirements to start freelance content writing:

  • Selection of the appropriate niche to work upon.
  • Writing the content for publishing onto blogs or for other content creators such as website owners.
  • Producing consistent and good quality work for different clients.
  • Building upon social media presence worldwide.
  • Joining community groups and job portals to find job opportunities besides freelancing.

Hereā€™s all you need to know on how to make money as a freelance content writer in 2022.

Become a Virtual Assistant

A virtual assistant as the name sounds offers services virtually right from the comfort of home to the people looking for such services across the globe.

What do VAs (Virtual Assistants) really do?

Well VAs are responsible to take care of the little things in businesses which are essential but which mostly business owners do not find time to address.

These tasks could include:

  • Scheduling meetings for the days ahead.
  • Networking with the customers to find their problems.
  • Preparing presentations for a meeting.
  • Helping with data entries related to the business.
  • Performing market research for various tasks.
  • Giving a response to the emails and phone calls as received.

All these are nitty gritty tasks which require time and are pivotal for any business as well.

These are handled by the Virtual Assistants being a part of the organization.

How much money can you make being a Virtual Assistant

A virtual assistant can earn upto $4000 per month with some experience and work under belt.

This takes time and can be considered a full time job once you have got enough hold while working in the field with some knowledge as well.

It can be considered a part time option while starting out and can be considered a serious option later on.

Best features of working as a Virtual Assistant?

A virtual assistant, i.e. VAā€™s can enjoy the following features in their work:

  • Flexibility to work from home and make money in the process.
  • May require some initial low cost investment to learn a few skills to become a VA.
  • Improving communication skills.
  • Building networking skills.
  • Working as per flexible schedule at your own convenience.

What are the essential skills necessary to become a Virtual Assistant

Here are some of the essential skills that are necessary to become a Virtual Assistant:

  • Being punctual to deliver work on time (time bound).
  • Ability to do the task diligently with focus and dedication.
  • Working to meet the tight deadlines as set for the tasks.
  • Having strong communication skills to talk to clients.
  • Social management skills are necessary as well.

What are the requirements to become a Virtual Assistant

Here are additional requirements to become a Virtual Assistant:

  • Knowledge of MS word Excel is a must.
  • Being affluent in using Google Calendar is also a necessary requirement.
  • Having good organizational skills along with instant messaging skills using a phone is also required.

Hereā€™s all you need to know about how to make money as a Virtual Assistant in 2022.

Make money walking dogs around in your neighborhood

This is another way where you can make money just with the help of your internet data and a mobile phone in use.

Humans are running short of time everyday to take care of their daily tasks.

In such a situation all the pet owners are looking for someone to take care of their pets while they are away on duty.

Nearly 68% of pet owners are dog owners who are looking to solve this problem.

People who can provide such a service to the dog owners can simply make money walking dogs.

This is a growing field and people are willing to pay a lot just to take care of their pets in their absence.

One who is good with dogs or pets in general and has some experience of taking care of the pets can make money walking dogs and taking care of them.

How much money can you make walking dogs

A dog walker can make around $15 per hour with some good experience and knowledge working in this field.

While a full time dog walker can make a full time income equivalent to around $31,367 per annum in 2022 just walking dogs around.

What are the essential skills necessary to become a dog walker

Here are the essential skills necessary to become a dog walker:

  • Communication skills are essential to be a part of this business.
  • Ability to negotiate and bargain for higher rates at times when there is a huge demand especially during weekends is also necessary.
  • Knowledge related to handling pets and taking care of them the right way is also a required mandatory thing when it comes to making money as a dog walker.
  • Attention to details is an essential skill as the more focused and attentive you are the better the outcome of the job would be etc.

Best features of making money by walking dogs

Here are some of the benefits of walking dogs around and making money in the process:

  • Making money while you take care of the dogs.
  • Requires no upfront investment to get started.
  • Building physical strength and stamina with time by walking dogs around.
  • Possibility of setting up a full time business making a full time income, just like Ryan Stewart.
  • Feeling less stressed out during the day as you walk outside with dogs for business.

What are the requirements to become a dog walker

Here are the additional requirements to become a dog walker:

  • Having physical and mental strength to be able to handle dogs while walking distances.
  • Being an outdoor activity one must be willing to stay outdoors all the time to make money from this activity.
  • One must be at least 18 years of age to be able to register on most of the platforms as a dog walker.
  • Being skilled to handle medical emergencies is also an added skill necessary to become a dog walker (to handle sudden emergencies).

Hereā€™s all you need to know about how to make money as a dog walker in 2022.

Work as a babysitter and make money babysitting

Babysitting is another way you can make money just like being a dog walker.

As people work crazy these days to make ends meet fulfilling their day job responsibilities, they donā€™t find enough time to give attention to their kids.

This is a growing concern these days as more and more people are trying to find time in this digital age.

As such anyone who loves to play around with babies and is good at handling them has a good opportunity to make money babysitting.

Babysitting is a growing trend these days and has been picking up quite a lot these days.

There are a lot of things to take care of as a babysitter such as:

  • Taking care of a baby.
  • Changing the diapers or giving the baby a bath as required.
  • Cleaning the laundry at home and performing household chores as required.
  • Helping the babies to study and making them sleep on time as well etc.

How much money can you make from babysitting

One can expect to make upto $35 per hour from the babysitting business.

This is going to take due course of time and one has to be patient while looking to make money from babysitting.

Best features to make money as a babysitter

Here are some of the best things to look out for working as a babysitter:

  • Making good money babysitting as you take care of babies.šŸ‘¶
  • Requires no investment to get started as a babysitter registering at different babysitting sites.
  • Flexibility to work at your own hours depending upon your availability.
  • Setting up your schedule and pay rates as you desire for your service.

What are the things to become a babysitter

Here are some of the required skills to become a babysitter and make money in the process:

  • One must be caring and loving in nature to understand the needs of a baby to be able to take care of them.
  • Reporting on the job at the right time is one of the key things to remember to become a babysitter.
  • Once you build trust with the parents, you can start taking upon work gradually and start to earn a full time living gradually with time.

Letā€™s check some additional requirements related to making money from babysitting.

What are the requirements to make money from babysitting

As a beginner one can register on several platforms such as UrbanSitter, SitterPro, Seeking Sitters etc to start making money from babysitting.

Besides above, here are some of the additional requirements to make money from babysitting:

  • One must be at least 18 years of age to start working as a babysitter and make money babysitting.
  • No indulging in drinking or smoking is while being at work.
  • One must not watch any form of inappropriate content while the parents are away and you are taking care of the kids.
  • Doing any form of personal work is a strict No while being a babysitter at work.
  • Posting stuff related to your work on social media is not allowed while working as a babysitter.
  • Bringing in own kids while being away for work is also not allowed at all.
  • Overhearing business affairs or any personal matters related to the house owners is highly unprofessional and shouldn’t be tolerated.
  • Being adversant while dealing with babies at home is highly necessary to become a babysitter and take care of babies the right way.
  • Inviting other people to the house for handling personal matters is also not advisable, as this is also regarded as unprofessional behavior.

Hereā€™s a complete A2Z guide on how to make money as a babysitter in 2022 and make money as a beginner.

Make money selling domain names on the internet

Domain names are the hot property in todayā€™s age.

Anyone who is looking to set up their business online has to buy a domain name in order to put content on the website.

A domain name is like an identity to any business organization who is looking to create a business and  attract consumers for the business.

Imagine Facebook not being called Facebook and known with some other name, how many people would have searched for Facebook while typing the name in Google?

This goes to show if Facebook abandons its domain name and gives that domain to someone else it will be highly valued by people who would like to buy the same domain.

Thus it creates a market and has a demand and a supply to it.

Similarly on a regular basis people are buying and selling domain names for profit.

Likewise, you can start to make money selling domain names on the Internet and run it into a full time business.

How much money can you make by selling domain names

Anyone who is looking to make money by selling domain names can expect to make $500 – $1000 dollars for a domain that is well valued.

With time one can buy multiple domains and build a portfolio to create a number of valuable domains that can be booked for profit.

This will take time and will need a lot of due diligence to buy and keep the domains for long to be able to profit out of it.

Best features of making money selling domain names

Here are some of the main features that you would need to sell the domain names:

  • Ability to make money online right from the comfort of home.
  • Opportunity to establish a million dollar business.
  • Availability of a lot of options to choose from while getting started to buy and sell a domain etc.

What are the things to be considered when you sell domain name

Here are some of the factors that goes into valuation of a domain name when you are looking to sell a domain name:

  • Number of visitors coming to the  domain, that is traffic potential.
  • How much money is the domain making currently at present.
  • Relevancy of the domain name as per the specific needs that one is targeting at.
  • Are any of the domains top level domains (TLDs), such as .com, .net,.in etc

What are the requirements for anyone to make money selling domain names

Here are some of the requirements for anyone who is looking to make money selling domain names:

  • Being patient and after buying the domain and holding it for long enough to be able to sell it at a profit.
  • Ability to decipher what is a good domain and what is a bad domain before investing.
  • Having some initial upfront investment if necessary to get started buying domains.
  • Doing proper research before buying a domain name is a key to buying a valuable domain.

We have covered extensively on how to make money selling domain names in 2022 and discussed everything you need to know about.

Start selling digital products online and make money online

Digital forms of content have been on rise for around a decade or so.

Everyone around you is looking to consume information digitally and wants to keep doing so.

Any content creator who doesn’t have a Digital presence online is missing out big time.

A key stat indicates that e-learning is expected to grow upto $240 billion by the end of 2022.

What does this say to you?

This states that digital courses teaching people around the globe are gaining more relevance with the passage of time.

Anyone who has skills and knowledge upon a subject can take advantage of creating a digital course to sell and make money selling digital products in the process.

However this process is not entirely simple and straightforward as it may seem to be.

Letā€™s get to know more about it.

How much money can you earn selling digital products online

Anyone looking to sell digital products can make at least $5 – $10 for selling each product online.

Again this depends on how good the product is and what is the customer base for the product.

If there is a huge demand for it, then it will be selling hot cakes like Miss Excel.

So one must be patient and keep improving in the content which is being sold in the form of digital products.

What are the digital products one can sell online

One can sell a lot of varieties of digital products which includes the following:

  • Templates
  • Wallpapers
  • E-books
  • Courses
  • Graphical files
  • Audio files (music etc) and more.

What are the things to remember to sell digital products and make money online

Here are some of the key things to remember while selling a digital product online in 2022:

  • Having expertise and knowledge is important when you are trying to sell a digital product.
  • Building a follower base is essential as one can sell to a lot of people if there is huge following.
  • Networking is key as spreading the word out is essential as it helps to reach a wider audience and builds authority.
  • Having an established platform such as a YouTube channel or even a blog is essential to make money from the sale of digital products.

What are the key requirements to start creating a digital product for sale

Here are some of the additional key requirements to make money selling product:

  • Having knowledge about MS Word and excel is a requirement as you will document the journey along the way documenting the progress.
  • Knowledge of Canva is a prerequisite as you will learn to do graphic designing which will help you add images related to your content.
  • Video editor knowledge is crucial as this is where you will edit and process your video related to your content.
  • Taking a decision about the right platform to upload your content is essential and there are fees and other charges involved in it.
  • Setting a right budget for marketing of the product is also key as this will help to lower your costs and help you attain your profitability sooner than later.

Hereā€™s a complete guide on how to sell digital products and make money online in 2022.

Make money from YouTube channel as a YouTuber

YouTube is probably one of the highly rated side hustles that anyone would advise you to start with.

While YouTube has been a popular platform ever since its inception, it’s not unknown to others how YouTubers are making money online.

YouTubers are creating content each day for their audience bringing in loyalty and trust among their subscriber base.

It definitely takes time and hard work with consistency to build a huge following with time.

An amazing stat by YouTube reveals that the mammoth platform has generated employment all over the world which is equivalent to 425k jobs in the U.S. alone (in 2021).

Not only this the contribution of YouTube to the economy has been $25Billion and more to the US marketā€¦šŸ˜®.

All of these indicate that there is immense potential for a content creator to make a living of the internet on YouTube.

Letā€™s get to know more about the platform.

How much money can you make from YouTube

Any creator on YouTube can expect to make at least $100 to start off as a beginner (lowest estimate).

Again there are numerous ways one can combine the power of YouTube to make money from a YouTube channel besides ads monetization.

It all depends on how strong and powerful the content is and how you are growing with the subscriber on your channel.

Best features of making money from YouTube channel

Hereā€™s some of the best things about setting up a business from YouTube:

  • Excellent option to get in front of people making money online in the process.
  • Ability to develop communication skills and speaking in front of the cameraā€¦šŸ“ø
  • Includes several ways to make money online.
  • Flexibility to make content on any topic of choice.
  • Ability to work from the comfort of the home.
  • Working at your own time and convenience to record videosā€¦šŸŽ„
  • Can be a supplementary source of building upon passive earning online.

What are the requirements to start a YouTube Channel

To start of a YouTube channel here are some of the requirements to look after as a beginner:

  • Selection of the right niche to make content upon is essential.
  • Having a good microphone and a camera is important.
  • Being able to edit videos well and making it user friendly is also necessary.
  • Strong communication skills along with cohesion of thoughts onto the content is pivotal.
  • Being able to understand the audience is also necessary to put relevant content on the platform.

All of the above requirements are not mandatory, but yes having an expertise about it will definitely give a huge boost to the channel and make money with time.

Key factors to consider before starting out a YouTube channel

Here are some of the key factors to consider before starting a YouTube channel:

  • Starting out a YouTube channel is easy and has no barrier to entry.
  • The investment is quite low and one can make videos right from the comfort of home.
  • Being camera friendly is essential and is required to have confidence to showcase the work.

It must be remembered that this is a game of patience and takes time to build content for the subscribers to subscribe to your channel.

So if you are patient enough you will always find success eventually in the endā€¦šŸ™‚.

Check out the complete guide on how to start a YouTube channel and make money online in 2022.

Sell feet pictures to make money online

Feet pictures are something which people are looking up online every now and then.

There could be several reasons such as:

  • Feet fetish cravings, 
  • Stock feet images websites,
  • Requirement for putting foot related content for a business (such as a blogger) and 
  • Selling feet images for feet related products businesses.

Many feet related products which are marketed in todayā€™s market find their products which are represented by feet pictures.

The foot pictures are always in high demand as people are making decent money from selling these pictures online.

Hereā€™s all that you need to know about selling foot pictures.

How much money can you make selling feet pictures

Anyone selling pictures of feet online can expect to make $2 – $5 for each picture.

This would need time and building a good customer base to make steady income with time.

Best features of making money online selling feet pictures

Here are some of the best features of making money online selling feet pictures:

  • Freedom to do the work at your own choice and convenience.
  • Taking care of feet the best way possible.
  • Opportunity to make it into a full time business just like Jason Stromm and make a decent living of it.
  • Having the flexibility to work without anyone being your boss. 

What are the requirements to start selling feet pictures

Anyone looking to sell feet pictures must look after the following requirements:

  • Being camera friendly to take pictures of feet without being hesitant.
  • Being at least 18 years of age is necessary to attain the legal age to upload the pics online.
  • Using social media such as Facebook, Instagram or even TikTok to raise the user base is essential as well and more.

Key factors to consider when you device to start selling feet pictures

Here are some of the key factors to look into when you are starting to sell feet pictures online:

  • Staying away from scammers and fraudsters who are looking to loot you away.
  • One need not have perfect feet to land upon a job selling feet pictures for money.
  • Being consistent with your work is essential to make money selling foot pictures.
  • Having a strong portfolio of feet pictures to be able to market their images properly.
  • Along with feet pictures, having feet videos are also an added bonus for being able to sell the feet pictures properly.
  • Use of necessary hashtags play a key role in building upon the audience base and making the post viral as well.
  • Researching about the topic is essential before diving deep into the industry as this can be very dangerous if not given due consideration.

Check out a complete guide on how to start selling foot pictures for money where we have covered the topic extensively.

Start working as a bookkeeper and make money bookkeeping

Bookkeeping is a profession where you get to handle the accounts and business affairs related to it.

As a bookkeeper there are several things you would be required to do such as:

  • Categorization of the books of accounts into different heads of expenses.
  • Performing reconciliation of the bank statements.
  • Taking care in preparing 3 primary statements which involve Cash Flow statements, P&L statements and Balance Sheets.
  • Settling invoices related to bills from parties, suppliers or other external agents.
  • Receiving the payments on time duly recorded and maintained in the books of account etc.

One can start to practice work as a bookkeeper and make good money with time.

Bookkeeping is much more than simple accounting and requires precision to work along.

As you work you will learn more about how to become an expert bookkeeper.

One need not be an expert in accounting to be skilled in bookkeeping, but mere practice of the work can make you good enough to be an expert bookkeeper with time.

Hereā€™s all to know about bookkeeping.

How much money can you make as a bookkeeper

A bookkeeper can earn around $45,250 per month in 2022 who are skilled enough in their work.

According to Payscale, an average payment rate of $19.30 per hour for a bookkeeper in 2022.

Best features of working as a bookkeeper

Hereā€™s some of the best features of working as a bookkeeper:

  • Making money working from home right from the comfort of home.
  • Learning about accountancy while working with clients.
  • Building relationships with clients and developing strong networks with clients.
  • Getting the flexibility to adapt to working as per your own styles of work.
  • Opportunity to learn about the taxation aspect of maintaining the books of account.

What are the requirements to become a bookkeeper

Here are the requirements essential to become a bookkeeper which depends upon the following factors:

  • Client management skills
  • Ability to interpret numbers and develop deeper understanding on financial matters.
  • A good communication skill is a mandatory part of being a bookkeeper as you will need to communicate with others frequently.
  • Being detail oriented towards work would help to keep a check upon everything.
  • Familiarity with technological stuff is also necessary to be an active bookkeeper and maintain records.
  • Having an organized approach towards work is also necessary when dealing with bookkeeping work.

Key factors to consider when starting out as a bookkeeper

Some of the additional factors which can help you become a bookkeeper are as follows:

  • Watching necessary videos related to bookkeeping which are key to learning about the skills related to work.
  • Earning necessary certifications related to work which can enhance the credentials associated with bookkeeping.
  • Taking upon work as a freelancer starting out and learning what are the prerequisites related to bookkeeping etc.

Click here to know more about how to become a bookkeeper in 2022.

Make money as a professional cuddler

A professional cuddler is someone who makes money by cuddling someone.

This is an emerging field which is kind of a weird side hustle for anyone who looks at it as a beginner.

These days people are lacking physical touch and emotional connection to anyone who looks to build relationships with others.

The work of a professional cuddler is quite simple, cuddling someone for money.

Professional cuddlers help people heal and give them the much longing warmth and affection with a cuddle.

Here are some of the roles of a professional cuddler:

  • Helping reinstate self belief, self acceptance and self love for someone.
  • Give proper attention to how to dress up and what clothes you wear.
  • Giving a platonic form of touch which doesnā€™t involve any sexual form of touch or conduct.

Letā€™s know more about the work of a professional cuddler in detail.

How much money can you make as a professional cuddler

A professional cuddler can make money upto $80 per hour in 2022.

Even some of the professional cuddlers can earn upto $500 per hour for a 3 – 4 hours of cuddle session in 2022.

Best features of working as a professional cuddler

Hereā€™s some of the best things to know about working as a professional cuddler:

  • Gives better emotional connection and develops a stress free feeling working with clients…šŸ˜€
  • Helps to make money online taking care of people as a cuddlerā€¦šŸ¤—
  • Work at your own convenience and comfort.
  • Work without reporting anyone as a boss.
  • Other benefits include boost in mood, feeling relaxed, treatment in health and personal issues and more.

What are the requirements to become a professional cuddler

Here are some of the things to consider to become a professional cuddler:

  • A minimum age of being 18 years old is a requirement to start working as a professional cuddler.
  • Being affectionate and having warmth , love for the people in general is a requirement to become a professional cuddler.
  • Personal hygiene and being clean is a must to become a professional cuddler.
  • Avoiding any kind of photography should be given priority while working as a professional cuddler to be a professional.
  • Discussing the terms and requirements of working with a client should be given a priority to work as a professional cuddler.

Key factors to consider when starting out as a professional cuddler

Here are some of the key factors to consider when starting out as a professional cuddler:

  • This can be a dangerous side hustle to be a part of considering there are several aspects which can go wrong.
  • Donā€™t disclose the exact business address as this can be quite dangerous when clients know about your address and revealing it can be detrimental at times.
  • One must focus on being comfortable while dealing with the clients as being comfortable can smoothen the process of working with someone.
  • Having knowledge about a situation can be crucial during emergency situations which would need awareness to deal with situations.
  • Always have someone in the emergency contact scenario where you would be able to reach out when in need to avoid any untoward scenario that may arise.

Click here to know more about how to become a professional cuddler in 2022.

Be a professional cleaner and make money

A professional cleaner is someone who cleans houses and makes money in the process.

As a professional cleaner all you are expected to do is maintain the cleanliness and look for spots and corners which must be maintained well.

This is another solid side hustle which can grow really well, if you learn how to start cleaning your own house before taking upon work professionallyā€¦šŸ˜‰

Here are broadly some of the responsibilities for a professional cleaner to start of with:

  • Clean the house of a client.
  • Making the surface which is accessible well sanitized and kept tidy.
  • Cleaning upon the lawn area which is in use.
  • Looking for spots and places which are filled with cobwebs and vacuuming the carpet area and more.

Hereā€™s to more of what you can learn being a professional cleaner.

How much money can you make as a professional cleaner

A professional cleaner can make around $50 – $350 per hour for providing cleaning services in 2022.

Some of the professional cleaners are even making a full time income working on the job which in itself speaks volume of the potential.

Best features of working as a professional cleaner

Here are some of the best features to make money as a professional cuddler:

  • Make money at your own convenience and comfort working at your own time.
  • Ability to build connections with people around you.
  • Working without reporting to anyone as your boss.
  • Developing strong communication skills and honesty while you work to clean houses.

What are the requirements to become a professional cleaner

Here are some of the basic requirements to become a professional cleaner:

  • Being at least 18 years of age is a requirement for many of the platforms to become a professional cleaner.
  • Gathering some of the much needed ID proof is a requirement to validate as a person working as a professional cleaner.
  • Having proper knowledge and understanding the requirements and needs of the client is essential to grow in this industry.
  • Being on time and working with punctuality to meet the requirements of the job.
  • Having a Covid free certification is also a requirement as many donā€™t accept people who are covid affected in any way.

Key factors to consider when starting out as a professional cleaner

Some of the key factors which helps to make money as a professional cleaner are as follows:

  • The size of the house that you are looking to clean is how much you are going to earn  as a professional cleaner.
  • Location you are offering your service makes all the difference in terms of payment.
  • The ratings acquired during your work is helpful on how you can scale your business.
  • Being experienced and well versed in this field of work is what is going to pay you a substantial amount of money.
  • Building upon a good communication skill is so important to learn about talking to others and making it work.

Click here to know more about how to make money as a professional cleaner in 2022.

Earn money as a proofreader

Have you come across any mistakes while reading this entire content?

Congratulations!! You have become already eligible for being a proofreader which is what we are going to talk about now.

Mistakes such as grammatical, punctuation or spelling mistakes can be fatal to any type of content as it may spread the wrong message entirely to someone out there.

A proofreader is someone who can read content and spot mistakes and errors for money.

This is a highly detailed job which requires proofreaders to be able to analyze the content and find the errors which can disrupt the flow of content.

As a proofreader one can find work in several different segments of industries such as:

  • Newspaper publications
  • Blogging
  • Website owners writing content
  • Publication of e-books
  • Submissions of projects or articles that are published online etc.

The prospects of working in this industry is quite huge as one can make money in quite a good amount when successful.

Letā€™s understand more about working as a proofreader.

How much money can you make working as a proofreader

A proofreader can make money upto $26 per hour working in 2022.

On an average a proofreader can expect to make around $20 to as high as $33 per hour.

While some of the sites say that an annual salary of a proofreader can go as high as $54,000 per annum.

Best features of working as a proofreader

Here are some of the best features to work as a proofreader:

  • Ability to develop strong grammatical knowledge and knowledge about a language.
  • Making money working from the comfort of home.
  • Having the flexibility to work as per my own time and convenience.
  • Being able to comprehend the needs of working as a proofreader wholly.

What are the requirements to start working as a proofreader

Anyone must look at the following requirements to work as a proofreader:

  • Getting the necessary qualifications (not mandatory) such as a Bachelor’s degree in English must be considered.
  • A good internet connection and working on a device such as a computer or mobile is essential.
  • Having strong communication skills is necessary to know what you need to work upon as a proofreader.
  • The most necessary requirement is excellent command over the language being proofread (such as English).
  • Having a keen eye and clarity on working is also a mandatory requirement to excel in this profession.

Key factors to consider for working as a proofreader

Here are some of the additional factors to consider while working as a proofreader:

  • Having the help of some tools which can proofread the content better can be helpful (such as Grammarly).
  • Working on tight deadlines requires precision of work and thus one must be able to do it skillfully.
  • The earnings would widely depend upon the number of clients that you are working upon, payment terms discussed upon and more.
  • Experience of the candidate matters a lot when you want to make a substantial income as a proofreader.

The best thing to note here is that as long as content is being created (written), there will always be demand for someone to proofread and make it readable for all.

Thus the scope and demand for the proofreaders will never fizzle away.

Make money as a dropshipper

Dropshipping is essentially dropping the goods directly at the address of the customer who wants a product.

Have you ever thought of creating your own store selling products of it but virtually.

Well dropshipping is the type of business model you would need to look at.

Essentially a dropshipper lists the items for sale on his site which can be sold from the vendorā€™s address to the customerā€™s address where the vendor takes the risks of delivering it.

When the customers order a product from your site, you would dropship the product by contacting the vendor for sale of the product.

In this entire process you get to keep the commission for the sale and make the profit from the sale or such transaction.

It is like Amazon selling various products by tying with different vendors across the globe.

Now not everyone finds everything to order from Amazon, do they?

That is where you make money selling such stuff as a dropshipper.

Letā€™s get to know more about the dropshipping business.

How much money can you from dropshipping

A dropshipper can expect to earn from $1000 to $5000 per month depending upon how successfully you implement the strategies for selling the products.

This has a lot of factors which play a key role in determining the profitability of the sale of products as a dropshipper.

Best features of working as a dropshipper

Here are some of the best features to work as a dropshipper:

  • Working to be able to earn a substantial amount of income with time.
  • Opportunity to set up a multi billion dollar business with time and effort.
  • Improving the communication skills while dealing with the customers.
  • No worries about managing an inventory, requires lower upfront costs and can include a broad range of products online.
  • Ability to convert the earnings into a passive mode of earning online.

What are the requirements to start dropshipping

Anyone looking to become a dropshipper needs to address the following requirements such as:

  • Choosing the right products to sell to as a beginner starting dropshipping.
  • Making a choice over the right platform where you can sell products as a dropshipper.
  • Finding the right supplier to provide the products for sale as a dropshipper.
  • Setting up the store, putting it under automation and selling the orders timely is a must to run a successful dropshipping business.

Key Factors necessary to become a successful dropshipper

Here are some of the additional factors to look onto to become a successful dropshipper:

  • Keep a watch on the trends related to products by understanding various platforms such as Quora, Google Trends, Ebay, Pinterest etc.
  • Doing the right market research for the viability of the product is essential to make a sustainable dropshipping business.
  • Being able to handle customer grievances play a key role in building the reputation of the business long term.

Teach others online and make money 

Teaching has been an ever growing topic and an area of interest for many who wish to make money online.

Anyone who holds knowledge upon a subject can help others to learn about it.

This is possible when you start to teach them about it through digital forms of content, such as courses.

People all over the globe learn about a lot of skills which they acquire over a period of time and they wish to tell about it to others.

They start to create digital courses on various platforms which includes Udemy, Skillshare, Teachable, Thinkific and more.

Once a course is created a creator (teacher) can start selling these courses to make money out of it.

Besides these platforms,  YouTube is an amazing platform as well where you can start to put content around your subject area of interest.

Letā€™s get to learn more about teaching as a full time side hustleā€¦

How much money can you make from teaching online

Teaching online can make money from as low as $5 for a course to as high as even $1000 per course.

Usually people who teach online can make a full time living when they can sell more copies of the course over a period of time.

Letā€™s get to know some of the requirements to start teaching online.

Best features to make money online teaching

Hereā€™s what are some of the best aspects of making money online from teaching:

  • Easily scalable form of business model.
  • Requires major effort to put upfront for one time.
  • Helps in developing presentation skills, communication skills and much more.
  • Develops confidence and improves knowledge upon one subject matter.

But most of all, there is always a feeling of teaching something new to someone which can completely change their course of lifeā€¦šŸ˜‡

What are the requirements to start teaching online

Here are some of the basic requirements to start teaching online:

  • Ability to speak in front of a camera is a really necessary skill one needs to learn from the very beginning.
  • Coherence of thoughts and ideas into one course is required which needs enough practice to do so.
  • Having necessary knowledge of the subject and being a subject matter expert adds to the credentials you possess as a teacher online.
  • Building an audience base whom you would like to teach to is crucial as well when you develop a digital course to sell to others.
  • Being skillful in learning about digital marketing, video content creation which involves editing and uploading the content in sequence is crucial too.

Key factors necessary to make money online from teaching

Here are the key factors that decide how much money you can make online from teaching:

  • Costs involved in making the course helps to affix a price for the paid course.
  • Audience size who wishes to buy the course is a key determinant of the conversion rate for your course.
  • Demand of the course also matters as to how much you can expect from selling the course.
  • Subject matter knowledge of the person creating the course helps to determine the viability of the course in the long run.
  • Selection of the right platform is crucial when you upload a course onto the platform related to any course.
  • Giving the course a pre launch campaign to boost sales can go a long way in building trust for the said course.

Okay we have covered all the 15 legit side hustles that we needed to look at in 2022.

But do you still have questions in your mind such as:

  • Which side hustle is best for me? Or
  • How do I find my perfect side hustle?

Donā€™t worry we have it covered, just keep reading to find the answerā€¦šŸ™‚

FYI – We have linked to all the corresponding articles giving you a complete guide for each side hustle discussed above, underneath each topic discussed.

Feel free to explore moreā€¦šŸ˜Š

How do I find my perfect side hustle?

To answer this question we are going to look at the following aspects, such as:

Identifying personal strengths and weaknesses

The first and foremost step is getting to know where your strengths and weaknesses lie.

Here are some of the recommendations by identifying your strengths:

Strengths / WeaknessesRecommendation
Comfortable speaking in front of cameraStart a YouTube channel
I am an introvert person and donā€™t feel comfortable to face the cameraCreate your own blog
Expertise on How to speak JapaneseTeach online to others
Not friendly in nature and require time to mingle with someoneSell domain names 
Excellent with numbers and have strong analytical skillsBecome a bookkeeper

As you can see the first and foremost step is identifying where your interests lie and aligning that with the opportunity available (considering strengths and weaknesses).

Nonetheless, your interest does matter at the end of the day as well as pursuing any side hustle idea for long.

Note: The above are just recommendations of what you can look to start as a side hustle.

But one can definitely work on their weakness to pursue a side hustle other than what is recommendedā€¦šŸ’Ŗ

Time you can expect to give for the side hustle

The next factor that comes in is the time you can expect to pursue for the side hustle.

This is one of the major deciding factors to determine your success.

Some side hustles can reward you long term if you are patient enough and work consistently.

On an average one needs to work around 6 – 12 months to make any progress in the following side hustles such as:

  • YouTube
  • Blogging
  • Dropshipping

While other side hustles can take a short amount of time to find your first client, such as:

  • Professional cleaner
  • Dog walker
  • Becoming a proofreader etc.

Working as a freelancer on several platforms such as Fiverr or Upwork can land you with your first client.

Thus, time is definitely an essence in deciding what you want to pursue long term.

Budget to spend money (if any)

If you are running short of funds, then some of the side hustles wonā€™t be suitable for you.

Hereā€™s a list of what you can start with low upfront cost involved:

  • Blogging
  • Starting a YouTube channel
  • Selling feet pictures for money etc.

While on the other end, here are some side hustles which would require some money to invest upfront:

Side HustleWhat you need
Teaching OnlineRequires you to buy tools and software to design and package your course properly
Bookkeeping Would require knowledge of accounts and stuff, one needs to learn about it beforehand to start

Learning about the skills required 

It is important to know that one needs to learn skills related to playing the game long term (side hustle).

Some side hustles require you to be excellent in communication while some require you to be good at networking with others.

When you set your mind onto something and start working for it, you will achieve success eventually in the end.

If you are skilled in writing, you can be a really good freelance content writer.

While if you are good at speaking and communicating with others you have an advantage to teach others or create content for YouTube.

This is more linked to your strengths and weaknesses and how you decide to act according to that.

Other ways to make money online

Make money from 1 high-quality article and 1 email outreach

In this process all you got to do are 3 things:


First, find a YouTuber who doesn’t have a website or a blog. Start writing articles for the videos that he publishes online.

Write at least 10 articles and select 1 high-quality article from the lot of 10 articles.


Reach out to the YouTuber highlighting the importance of a blog/website and mention that you will help them set up a blog.

Once the YouTuber agrees to your proposal create a website and start putting blogs in that website.


Write the blogs for the YouTuber and start charging a steady income of fixed standard rates as per freelancing norms.

This is a WIN-WIN for both YouTubers and Freelance content writers.

YouTubers will start making additional revenue along with their YouTube channel and the freelance content writers will make a steady income equivalent to the number of videos that are being uploaded.

Start finding 10 YouTubers who upload 3 videos in a month and suddenly you have a steady income coming by to your account.

If you would like to know the detailed steps involved, click here to follow.

Last Words on Side Hustle Ideas

No matter what you decide to opt for as your next side hustle, it’s going to take time and consistent effort to become successful.

Entering into this game for playing it long term will definitely help you make progress.

It is really important to be disciplined and stay persistent in your efforts to eventually win in the long term.

While we have covered comprehensively on choosing your next money making machine from these side hustle ideas, we would definitely encourage you to look for more information.

Thereā€™s a plethora of more options available at passiveeanringonline to guide you more on how to make money online in 2022.

We have not covered some of the easy ways to make money online which canā€™t possibly become a full time income, such as:

  • Taking surveys and earning quick bucks
  • Playing video games and making money.
  • Watching videos to make money.
  • Scanning receipts to make money etc.

All of the above wonā€™t be able to replace your full time income but can be a quick way to earn some extra cash online.

I hope this blog post was useful and you could find what you were looking for.

Do let us know in the comments section below about your favorite side hustle and any other questions you would like to ask (if any)…šŸ˜Š.

Wishing you all the luckā€¦šŸ‘.

FAQs on side hustle ideas in 2022

How do you hustle when you have no money?

Start working on a side hustle which doesn’t need investment (or minimal investment) such as Blogging, YouTube, Freelance content writing, Dog walking etc.

Or else raise some money by working and making some income to acquire funds to start your side hustle (preferably getting into freelancing).

What are the side hustles with no experience?

Almost anything you decide to do requires some form of experience to make money in the process.

It’s as good as asking how do I cycle without knowing how to cycle?…šŸ˜‘

But some of the skills that can give you experience to pursue for a side hustle are:
– Writing skills
– Communication skills
– Networking skills
– Analytical skills etc.

The good news is that any skill can be self taught and acquired over a period of time.

What are some side hustle ideas for students?

Some of the side hustle ideas for a student would include the following:
– Blogging,Ā 
– YouTube,Ā 
– Freelance content writing,Ā 
– Proofreading and more.

We have covered side hustle ideas for students extensively on this website.Ā 

So feel free to explore more in detail.

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